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O_h gi sury my speeling and grumrr dusunt meat width u'r approofal.

The thought is more important than the presentation. Assuming that someone isn't edgeumicatted solely from their forum posts is a huge leap of logic. What would your Mentat brothers say about you formulating such a weak syllogism. :)
My thoughts far outpace my ability to put them to paper or keyboard and as such, I miss some grammar here and there.

It is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion, it is by the beans of java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire trembling, the trembling becomes a warning. it is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion... where's my damn coffee.
All I've read recently on this topic are rants. Then speculation, accusations and criticism. Whatever 'side' you fall on, this is all puffed up outrage put on for show. Forums on the Internet demand drama as entertainment, There are so many that jump in to fill the void if there is no drama. It's manufactured, processed and utterly without substance.

Welcome to the Internet. Two weeks from now the mock outrage will be aimed at something else.


And before anyone gets their flame packs out to train on me, I've not posted one word any where at any time in favor of or not in favor of anyone or anything related to the whole sales/release process at all. So don't get all over me; though I know folks will without even blinking. It'll prove my point nonetheless.
Theres no way they could have "stock piled" that many units. These aren't boxes of Cheetos.

This is a company that values QUALITY. I'd be willing to bet they've sent out less than 5 units that needed to be returned. Ever. Maybe some cosmetic things, maybe a firmware fix...I don't think they've sent one they got back that flat out didn't work. How many electronics companies (oversimplification, yes) can say something like that?

No I don't like that it was no wait list, yes wait list but...do you remember what last time was like? He probably DIDN'T want a wait list! He knows the headache involved in keeping it up and referring back to it and getting cancellations and blah blah blah...yes this one will probably be a slight bit better because of the previous company experience with it, but c'mon, who here really believes that Cliff did this intentionally, or had a second thought that it would occur?

If anything, he's so humble he didn't think this unit would garner this much attention. If anything, we should fault Cliff's LACK of ego.

Now let's all have a group hug. We're all on the same side, after all.
I'm just sayin' ....

When Fractal rolled-out the MFC-101 I got on the wait list ( and was in the top 50 ) on 2/7/2009 .... I finally received my o.k. to purchase and use my $ 100 off coupon on 4/20/2011 ( 802 days later ) ....

This is just rediculous, I am STILL on the MF'ing waitlist for an MFC-101, and now waiting for a II. I am glad I didn't sell my Ultra, even though I am not able use it at the moment due to a second round of Carpal Tunnel Surgeries..... at least the waiting isn't as painful as my wrists/hands!!!! :)
Okay, let's say 2000 then, at least enough to get out the door for initial demand. Something... Not 'nothing'.
Well that's gotta be 2-3 million dollars outlay.

Suppose there's a flaw that only becomes apparent after a month or two in the field?

It's a scenario whereby future production can only be safely funded out of profits from current sales. If they were to listen to the fix deprived customers, they'd risk being out of business in weeks. The only sane solution is to ramp at rate they can cope with. Rapid growth is a major killer of businesses.
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it's like a love/hate relationship. i hate that i have to wait, but once it arrives, i'm going to forgive it and love it all the same.
A couple things:

why on earth wouldn't the company have stockpiled a huge inventory of these units (10,000 or so) PRIOR to the launch

FAS is a small company, producing 10,000 units would probably have pushed back the release a few years, meanwhile FAS would have gone bankrupt due to the cost of producing 10,000 units while selling 0 units.
My point that I've repeated. If you don't like the way its being done, don't give them your money. Pretty simple there I think. I don't understand the desire to complain so much. Either get over it ,or don't. Your choice, why do so many folks think we need to keep hearing there opinion about how unfair and wrong, and rude, and scam, illegal, etc. If you don't like it, don't buy from them.
The point is there is a certain population here that is not going to be happy. Ever.

If a large number of units were stockpiled. Then the countdown and at the end of the countdown... WHAM! New Axe-FX II SHIPPING IMMEDIATELY... one could speculate that the population that would be most unhappy are all the Standard/Ultra owners that would have to sell their units to raise funds for the newer one. And with a quick announcement like that there would be a flood of "old" units up for re-sale driving the price down.

What is clear is that there is no move that could have been made that would leave everybody perfectly happy UNLESS Cliff pulled an Oprah and started giving them away free.
mworkman said:
What is clear is that there is no move that could have been made that would leave everybody perfectly happy UNLESS Cliff pulled an Oprah and started giving them away free.
Even that would leave last week's lucky stiffs torqued off.
All I've read recently on this topic are rants. Then speculation, accusations and criticism. Whatever 'side' you fall on, this is all puffed up outrage put on for show. Forums on the Internet demand drama as entertainment, There are so many that jump in to fill the void if there is no drama. It's manufactured, processed and utterly without substance.

Welcome to the Internet. Two weeks from now the mock outrage will be aimed at something else.


And before anyone gets their flame packs out to train on me, I've not posted one word any where at any time in favor of or not in favor of anyone or anything related to the whole sales/release process at all. So don't get all over me; though I know folks will without even blinking. It'll prove my point nonetheless.

How is that a person, in your position, a moderator of not only this website, but also a very well-known gear website, who already has an Axe-Fx 2 and had potentially received it before it was even listed as a new product, can effortlessly invalidate accusations and criticism at the poor way this whole thing has been handled? Cliff has completely oafed his way into this situation, not without lashing out at a potential customer base who feel that it could have been done better, and somehow skepticism towards this debacle is suspect?
How is that a person, in your position, a moderator of not only this website, but also a very well-known gear website, who already has an Axe-Fx 2 and had potentially received it before it was even listed as a new product, can effortlessly invalidate accusations and criticism at the poor way this whole thing has been handled? Cliff has completely oafed his way into this situation, not without lashing out at a potential customer base who feel that it could have been done better, and somehow skepticism towards this debacle is suspect?

Excellent first post! :roll
How is that a person, in your position, a moderator of not only this website, but also a very well-known gear website, who already has an Axe-Fx 2 and had potentially received it before it was even listed as a new product, can effortlessly invalidate accusations and criticism at the poor way this whole thing has been handled? Cliff has completely oafed his way into this situation, not without lashing out at a potential customer base who feel that it could have been done better, and somehow skepticism towards this debacle is suspect?

A few points of fact Mr. ErichM. Your reaction to my post and your use of language makes me dismiss your post as simple pot stirring.

  1. I am as entitled to hold and share my opinion as you are; regardless of my title or standing here or elsewhere.
  2. The OP here is over at Rig Talk casting himself as the Fractal ball breaker. So yes, this thread is manufactured drama.
  3. I did *not* at any time 'effortlessly invalidate accusations and criticism' in any manner. I said this is all Internet forum buffoonery and that statement would be shown to be valid by folks coming after me even though I did NOT and have NOT expressed any opinion on the sales situation. What I type is immaterial to how they'll respond; they will just use my post as a platform to jump off and bash Fractal and get some shots at me regardless of what I actually post.
  4. The bulk of the worst and most over the top drama queen threads/posts are not by legit prospective customers no matter what they type on a forum. It is totally over the top drama that certain parties love to feed in order to puff up their e-cred with their forum buddies. It has little basis in any reality.
  5. With your own post, you've validated my theory by one person.

If you don't like something, say it once, say it well and leave it be. Beating the drum relentlessly on multiple forums is nothing more than sensationalism and grandstanding for the sake of getting attention.

Check back in two weeks. None of this apparent mock outrage will even exist by any stretch. It's easy to spot and easy to avoid, which I normally choose to do. This sort of manufactured 'burn the witch' drama has a half life of about 2 weeks. Check me on it, I've owned and run forums long enough to observe trends and this is just another flash in the pan tempest in a teapot.

And that's my opinion, YMMV.

So if you ask me what I think, that's what I think. I'll point out again I have stated nothing in favor of nor in criticism of the actual topic. That fact and anything I have actually typed will be of no consequence to you I imagine.
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