Why should I use a power amp?


Hey guys,

I have another question. Does a power amp affect the tone noticably?

When I play live, I'd like to go ALL DIRECT. So no amps on stage. Do I need a power amp? Or will the PA system already have one?
if the venue has a PA they will have their own power so you wont need one. If the venue is tiny and doesn't have monitors or decent monitors you may have problems hearing yourself on stage. People usually use poweramps if they are still using traditional guitar cabinets with their axe-fxs or they are using a passive FRFR monitor of their own.Start reading the boards you'll get up to speed really quick
just be very sure you have a competent sound person. learned my lesson last time i went direct... my ear mix was perfect, nobody could hear me out in front.
You don't wanna use the house power amp, you don't where' its been and what it's capable of, having your own powerful tube power amp like the VHT 2 -90 or the Mesa 2-90, 2-100 is a safer way of going, also the ART SLA 2 is a fantastic power amp and I hear quit a few people use it live as well, extremely quit. I have one. love it.
LegatoMan said:
Hey guys,

I have another question. Does a power amp affect the tone noticably?

When I play live, I'd like to go ALL DIRECT. So no amps on stage. Do I need a power amp? Or will the PA system already have one?

Well if they don't have a power amp it won't be much of a PA systems will it? :D

Unless you know the system and the operators really well NEVER trust others to get your sound. If you have it happening on stage then at least there is a good chance of getting something acceptable out front.
vinnieRice said:
LegatoMan said:
Hey guys,

I have another question. Does a power amp affect the tone noticably?

When I play live, I'd like to go ALL DIRECT. So no amps on stage. Do I need a power amp? Or will the PA system already have one?

Well if they don't have a power amp it won't be much of a PA systems will it? :D

Unless you know the system and the operators really well NEVER trust others to get your sound. If you have it happening on stage then at least there is a good chance of getting something acceptable out front.

Well, even if you have an amp and cab on stage, have your sound happening and then mic it, it is going to be butchered the same way as if you just gave them a direct signal. Even worse, as you will compete with the PA because of bleed, they are going to turn you down on the mix.
LegatoMan said:
Hey guys,

I have another question. Does a power amp affect the tone noticably?

When I play live, I'd like to go ALL DIRECT. So no amps on stage. Do I need a power amp? Or will the PA system already have one?

Some power amps affect it more, some less, depends of few things.
PA as it as has its own power amp to run itself, it ain't guitar power amp but some other kind of power amp.
So there should be enough "power" to get your sound in front to the audience, no doubt.
People often complain about soundguy and how he can mess up the mix (guitar too low etc)
but that is the other problem, if you can fight PA from stage using your cab
there's no reason to use THAT PA at all, my 2 cents.
Most of the venues should have one or few monitors on stage as well.
I personally never played a gig without provided monitor/s (probably because there are vocals as well)
but even without provided monitors you can get any kind of active monitor/speaker and
plug your AxeFx into it for personal monitoring on stage, along with sending signal to mixer and PA.
I said "any" monitor because I don't carry my own, I take whatever venue provides
and I have been happy so far, my sound isn't 100% the same all the time (depends of monitors ofc)
but you can bet it's VERY organic and easy to control and play with, at least for me it is.

Bottom line, it depends a lot of situations that you're about to face. :)
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