Why more than 1


I am curious, I see pros and others with multiples of and fx3 in a rack, Why? This thing has so much power and more than enough users slots so is it just to keep some favorites closer rather than clicking through button presses or just back ups just in case? Is there some special top secret way to slave them together? Actually if you can I don’t want to know that one, it’ll just make me want another.
I figured it was as simple as a back up or two or just extreme GAS but just in case I was curious how crazy it would be to use two together.
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I'd planned to sell my 2 to help fund my 3mk1 in 2018, but after buying the 3, was too lazy + phobic of the usual private sales process bs to sell the 2. By spdif ing Ax2 to the output of Ax3 I've gotten great use out of the 2 as:
  • A synth sounds engine.
  • An extra fx loop.
  • End of chain fx I don't have room for in an Ax3 patch (yes, it is quite possible to max out cpu on an Ax3 mk1).
I'll likely sell both for the IV when it comes along.
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I believe you will find very rare players needing the horse power of 2 axe fx 3ies…it’s basicaly a back up if one unit crashes or stops working in the middle of a tour or a show. 12 years in, neither in studio nor live never experienced a hick up during work.
I watched that crazy video now I keep thinking about how a rotary on the high strings would be cool with some shimmer. What rabbit hole!
Backups, like everyone else said. When/if the IV is ever announced, I'll definitely pick that up, but I don't think I'm going to sell my III. It's excellent, and even if it stays exactly as it is right now, I'm 100% satisfied with it and will always keep it around. I love it.
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