Why Is My CPU Usage So High?


I'm trying to figure out why my CPU usage is so high for this preset. I'm not doing anything overly complex; just running a synth pad to play underneath my soloing. So how can I lower it from 90% to at least 85%? Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!

Guitar Solo.jpg
Do you really need two different reverbs?
You could route both signals to the rightmost reverb block and delete the other one to save CPU.
Are you using ultra or hi Rez stereo cab? Try norm res. also reverb blocks are CPU pigs. You are using 2. You have to remember that there are 2 processors in the AxeFx2. One is dedicated to the amp simulations and the other is for the fx Unfortunately it does not have dynamic allocation of the available DSP. It may not seem like you have many blocks in your preset but you are using 2 synth blocks and 2 reverb blocks plus all the other fx all on one chip so I'm guessing that could be your issue.
Lower the echo density in your reverb blocks if you absolutely need both of them, or consider changing one (or both) to a lower CPU-intensive type.
I remember that axe edit also uses or displays the CPU usage a bit higher then it normally would be.
I'm not sure if this is still the case with the new editor?

What is the CPU usage on the frontpanel without USB connected?

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