Why doesn't the MFC track the preset changes from the AXE front panel ?



This might sound like a stupid question but I was expecting that if I changed the presets via the AXE front panel the MFC would "keep-up" and change to whatever preset I chose from the AXE.

Is this possible ? I would kind of expect this to happen by default ;)

Just wondering as its getting kinda confusing as a noobie :D
Nope it does not, but there is a feature request I raised on this issue.

Might be worth having a look in the MFC-101 wishes section and signing up to it to show your support for such a feature... If you agree of course.

Sorry cant link to the thread directly as I am on my iPhone.
Hmmmm so strange that it doesn't

My Line 6 Vetta does it as do most effects unit / pedalboard combinations, off to the wishes section it is then,

Cheers for the reply.
Agreed. I made a suggestion that if it can't be done automatically the perhaps it could be done with a long press... Like the tuner / tap tempo switch.

Hell I would even give up an IA if I could asign a midi CC to refresh... Actually that's another idea I should add to the thread!!

Hope you are digging the axe in the valleys.. Rocking it Tom jones stylie.
Agreed. I made a suggestion that if it can't be done automatically the perhaps it could be done with a long press... Like the tuner / tap tempo switch.

Hell I would even give up an IA if I could asign a midi CC to refresh... Actually that's another idea I should add to the thread!!

Hope you are digging the axe in the valleys.. Rocking it Tom jones stylie.

Yep good idea, not done much playing of it yet, still mostly setting it up :D It's taken me a day and a half to work out how to get my volume pedal to work lol !
Its a lot different to my old Line6 stuff :D
I hear you, bear with it though.... WELL worth it.

I came from the XT,X3 to the Ultra and the used a HD500 between may until I got my II.

The HD was not too bad amp sound wise, but MAN the routing / FX processor limitations drove me to distraction.

I am sure you will soon be upto speed with the Axe-FX

Have fun!
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