Why doesn't Ripwerx work with Axe Fx II and FCB1010 ?


Does anyone else have this problem?
If I use an old laptop and old Midi interface ( the MI 2) for this operation I can get Ripwerx to work fine.
But trying to use the Axe Fx II as my midi interface and Ripwerx will not recognize the FCB1010.
I attach the 2 midi cables ( in and out ) to the Axe Fx II , and into the FCB1010 then plug in the USB cable from the Axe into my PC ( Win 7, 64 bit).
then load Ripwerx in order to use the Axe Fx II as my midi interface. I have the Axe Fx II USB driver going.
But when I ask Ripwerx to test my Firmware it says " a message was received but it is not a sysex message" and then Ripwerx will not send sysex to the FCB1010.

Any ideas ??
Sorry but I don't understand what that means.
And is there a way to fix it so it works with Axe Fx as a midi interface?
More correctly I should have said a midi feedback loop, where a signal is being fed back along a path where it wasn't intended.

As you have two way midi between the Axe FX and the FCB1010 and the Axe FX and the computer over USB, there is a possibility of such a loop.

So if it is, then a way to avoid the loop would be needed, but I think it would be simpler to connect to the FCB1010 with the midi interface to program it.

Possibly an FCB1010 user may happen along who has experienced it and who has a possible solution.
Is the midi thru on in the Axe FX I/O and there is a setting to stop the Axe FX sending manufacturers sysex out of the midi thru port which the Fcb1010 won't recognise. See page 137 of the current manual.
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Is the midi thru on in the Axe FX I/O ?

Does your interface work when connected only (midi in/out) to the FCB ? You don't need to include the Axe Fx in the loop to "sysex" your FCB
Check if channels are on OMNI or at least same channel in all applications ?
Is midi merge activated on FCB1010 ?
Is the midi thru on in the Axe FX I/O and there is a setting to stop the Axe FX sending manufacturers sysex out of the midi thru port which the Fcb1010 won't recognise. See page 137 of the current manual.

No I had midi thru turned off.
But , since the FCB1010 has no usb, it is not possible to get the Ripwerx commands to it if I don't connect the Axe to the PC via USB no ?
Does your interface work when connected only (midi in/out) to the FCB ? You don't need to include the Axe Fx in the loop to "sysex" your FCB
Check if channels are on OMNI or at least same channel in all applications ?
Is midi merge activated on FCB1010 ?

No midi merge is off.
I'm trying to use the AXE II as the midi interface for Ripwerx.
So if I don't connect the AXE to the PC via USB , how do I get the Ripwerx sysex commands out to the FCB1010 ?
No midi merge is off.
I'm trying to use the AXE II as the midi interface for Ripwerx.
So if I don't connect the AXE to the PC via USB , how do I get the Ripwerx sysex commands out to the FCB1010 ?

Oops, sorry, I'm not sure I got the point. What do you want to do ? If you just want to pickup the sysex of your FCB or send one to the FCB for loading a new configuration, you just connect the FCB in/out directly to your MI2 out/in. If this is not what you wanted to do then I did not get the point.
Oops, sorry, I'm not sure I got the point. What do you want to do ? If you just want to pickup the sysex of your FCB or send one to the FCB for loading a new configuration, you just connect the FCB in/out directly to your MI2 out/in. If this is not what you wanted to do then I did not get the point.

Hi there,
Yes ,in the end that is exactly what I ended up doing, and it worked.
But my question was, whether I could substitute the AXE FX as the midi interface ( for programming the FCB1010 via Ripwerx software) instead of the MI2.
My Axe FX will not recognize the FCB1010 when I use the Ripwerx software as the Midi Editor, but the MI2 works fine with Ripwerx.

Go into the AF II I/O to the Midi tab scroll down to " Send Realtime SYSEX " set it to "none"
The Sysex messages from the AF II might be hammering your FCB1010 especially if it is set to "All"
And also as stated above leave midi merge off

The AxeFXII's MIDI interface won't pass all the sysex data through properly. I ran into this a while back and ended up using the MIDI output of my audio interface to feed the FCB1010 and the MIDI output of the FCB1010 into the AxeFXII and it works fine.

Go into the AF II I/O to the Midi tab scroll down to " Send Realtime SYSEX " set it to "none"
The Sysex messages from the AF II might be hammering your FCB1010 especially if it is set to "All"
And also as stated above leave midi merge off


Hi John,
thanks for the suggestion.
I tried it and initially it seemed to work ( it recognized the firmware when you ask it to test for firmware) but then when I tried to get a sysex dump from the FCB it said " A message was received but header is incorrect and this is not an FCB1010 sysex message".
then the AXE FX just freezes and needs to be switched off.
Tried it several times, with the same result.
Tried with USB Adapter mode on and off ( in the Midi page of the I/O menu) and with midi thru on and off too.

Does the FCB1010 have to be programmed to send a sysex message in a special way?
Does the FCB1010 have to be programmed to send a sysex message in a special way?
Doubtful since the FBC is working with your other interface.

“shasha” has been through this already and since he has always struck me as a very bright guy from his post. I think it’s a done deal not going to work or at least at this time, who knows with a future firmware version. ?? never know.
My theory was since the AF II puts out Sysex data that it might be somehow resetting or overwhelming your FCB so it was never giving Ripwerx what it needed. Unfortunately, I was wrong. My best friend for anything midi has always been my midi sport 2x2. Works with every computer I have perfectly.

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Doubtful since the FBC is working with your other interface.

“shasha” has been through this already and since he has always struck me as a very bright guy from his post. I think it’s a done deal not going to work or at least at this time, who knows with a future firmware version. ?? never know.
My theory was since the AF II puts out Sysex data that it might be somehow resetting or overwhelming your FCB so it was never giving Ripwerx what it needed. Unfortunately, I was wrong. My best friend for anything midi has always been my midi sport 2x2. Works with every computer I have perfectly.

OK thanks for that , I can now stop bashing my head against a brick wall
The AxeFXII's MIDI interface won't pass all the sysex data through properly. I ran into this a while back and ended up using the MIDI output of my audio interface to feed the FCB1010 and the MIDI output of the FCB1010 into the AxeFXII and it works fine.

Thanks shasha,
It looks like for now that's the only way, I'll have to stick to the old MI2 as the midi interface for Ripwerx programming.
So , the way you have cables wired means you never have to pull cables out of the back of the interface and back into the Axe and vice versa?
Sounds like a time saver, thanks , I will try that
Thanks shasha,
It looks like for now that's the only way, I'll have to stick to the old MI2 as the midi interface for Ripwerx programming.
So , the way you have cables wired means you never have to pull cables out of the back of the interface and back into the Axe and vice versa?
Sounds like a time saver, thanks , I will try that
Yeah, but I was just reading about the LG controller software and the latest Uno release. Supposedly you can limit the length of the sysex data in there which would probably fix the problem. I haven't had time to investigate it further though.
Axe Fx w/ FCB1010 no Chip: Solved
Hey there,
We have noticed a lot of people having trouble pairing the FCB1010 by Behringer with their Axe units, so we made a video on how to:

Program the FCB1010 to talk w/ Axe FX no UNO chips or software - YouTube

This covers programming your pedal without the need for modifying it or downloading any programming software and also gives you a clear understanding of how the pedal works.
Hope this saves you a bunch of time and money ;-)

If this helps please support us by following our Studio:
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