Why does this preset clip?!?!?

I use the VU meter and set every preset to aprox 0db, I never have a clipping issue, there is plenty of headroom left for boosts, and there is plenty of energy going into the power amps
Clipping happens to be my least favorite aspect of the Axe Fx or any modeler. Real amps you set the drive and the volume and you are done. The Axe Fx doesn't behave this simply. Sucks to always deal with this. I have 60 patches. I level all of them only to find one that doesn't play well and then the whole process starts again. I've been a user from the beginning around 9 years ago. I know what I'm doing... But I still have to, is my point.

I have the same PEQ block at the end of the chain in all my goto presets and the are all linked with global block 1. When I want an overall correction (louder/ less lows/ more mids or whatever a peq can do) I have to do it in one preset only, all other presets change with it. You can also make groups like cleans are global 1, distorted are global 2, solos are global 3.
Maybe a way for you too?
Really? I never have clipping problems, because I keep a lot of headroom in the digital domain. There's no negative side-effect to maintaining a lot of headroom.
Maybe clipping isn't correct term. Pegs red hot
I have noticed that cab-blocks increase the total level. I good idea might be to normalize all cab blocks. So that they have the same clip headroom as without cab block.
Some times for example I insert a cab block (for recording) on a patch I use for live gigs, then this happens easily.
What 'clips' seems awfully capricious, too. When I first tried 18.X, one of my two main patches clipped. The meters said it was fine. But it's lower in (perceived) volume than my other main patch - as well as most other, including factory patches. And yet, it clips and the others don't.

It seems to be frequency-sensitive.

I set all my amps at unity-gain on the utililty-meters then I know they are all the same level.
It could be caused by a bass heavy IR if you are using one. Or maybe a bassheavy anything.....
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