Who makes his own Backing tracks Jam tracks for practise?


Power User
Just wonder if anyone gere is making their own practise tracks....I may share mines if interest...
Not really, cause I use a lot of YouTube jam-tracks but I would be really interested in hearing some of yours :encouragement:
I do it all the time. A lot of times I'm looking for backing tracks to songs that I cannot find so I just create the basic drum and bass track and sometimes overdub a rhythm guitar in Logic 9 but that's about it. Generally it's just the solo sections that I need this for. Logic has a nice feature (as do other DAWS) that allows you to slow down your tracks without changing pitch, so it's a great idea for learning solo's and the timing/phrasing at a reduced pace then bringing them up to speed as your finger muscle memory improves.

Making the track yourself also helps you get a good grounding in the chord structures you are playing over.
Sometimes making own tracks for playing. Usually I just using Korg Kronos banks and play them via Kronos pad-control and Karma on with Latch and drum track and maybe record backing track with protools.
I make mine with EZDrummer3, cubase vst for synths and keys. Guitar and Bass on AXE FX3 mainly because I got tired of playing to youtube videos and I like to play live versions of songs that have extended parts or something special added into them. In addition on youtube different songs have different mixing and volume levels.... that's annoying. All backing tracks to the same level and source make it easier to build presets.

I'm working on setting a multitrack system with a Zoom L-12 that allows playback of a playlist of multitracks.... getting the tracks to seat in the mix is the challenge at this point. But is not only about the destination but the journey, so learning alot.
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