Which Jackson?

I love my PC1. It was my #1 until I got the Suhr. Mine has been through the wringer and back again. I replaced the pickups, refretted with SS and plek’d. Eventually refinished the body and replaced all the gold hardware with Vintage Copper.
The neck on mine is .83” at the first fret. It’s a D shape with some noticeable shoulder. IMG_1514.jpegIMG_1512.jpegIMG_0105.jpeg
I have a USA Kelly Ke2 in Ivory that I bought new about 19 yrs ago.
Killer guitar. They are a little bright (alder, ebony, and quarter sawn maple) and have neck dive. But the fix for both is to get a larger brass trem block.
The block adds counter torque. So no neck dive.
And it adds mids to the tone. Contrary to popular belief it does not add “harmonics” or increase “sustain”.
I have also swapped the Jazz in the neck position for a 59 model. But both pickups are great.
A bit more extended highs with the Jazz. A bit more “slam” with the 59.
I have a heavily modified Strat that I love too.
So each day I grab the other one to play on.
The PC1 is a thicc boi, but that said I found it really comfortable to play.

I still love my RR1T that I bought new 15+ years ago. It's taken some unfortunate hits and keeps trucking on.


I have my Model 5 Charvel that I bought in 1987 to scratch my Soloist itch.

For me it has to be the original one. Here is my 80's custom shop SL1.
I got it last year, been looking for a good original for years.
I had this before;
1990 Japan production model. Actually the best production model they ever made.
If you want something easier to find the USA new SL3 is really good but it's net the same as an original SL1. Nothing after 1998 is.
Whatever is in stock/available when you're ready to buy if you're looking at a brand new guitar ;). Last I heard, even the "production models" have 2-3 year lead times.

Generally agree with Andy. I prefer the soloist and the older the better. Though, I would probably say anything from 86-93/95 would be ideal for me if I were shopping for one.
michael jackson mj GIF

Sorry, couldn’t resist.
I have 2 misha pros. They both needed some work to be playable IMO. The fretwork was terrible so I had them plek’d. I also replaced the pups. They are now 2 of my favorite guitars.
Other than the Dave Murray sig, does Jackson make any 22 fret models?
I don't know about now, but I had a 22 fret USA Jackson a long time ago. May have been a Dinky? It's the guitar that started my love for super jumbo frets
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