Which is the of this Poweramp's is the best with the Axe-FX


Hello i was thinking on getting a Fractal AXE-FX soon for the first time and was hopping to get a good Power amp that some friends are offering at a good fair price and would like to know which of this is the best selection for the moment.. :)
So what I need to know, if a Marshall 80/80 SS poweramp or a Vintage Mesa Boogie 50/50 poweramp is the best to get the most out of the Fractal Axe-FX and which speakers are the best to use on a 2x12 cabinet to get most accurate and faithful sound of this Fractal audio preamp? your help is appreciated. :)
but if you see my questions about this gear that i have an option to buy, but i see no friendly advice.. :roll:
mxr2000 said:
but if you see my questions about this gear that i have an option to buy, but i see no friendly advice.. :roll:

It's only because you are asking a question and not describing it fully ... It's all a matter of your taste and your needs which obviously unknown. It's like asking vanilla ice cream or chocolate ... Some ppl like one some ppl like another one some like to mix it up... You know what I mean ?

And to answer your question (more like educate guess) - These are fine poweramps you are mentioning and they might work for you just like they worked great for other ppl here .. or they might not. Only you can tell. Some ppl love tubes some love solid state.. In my opinion - I enjoy Mesa Boogie and 6L6 power amp section. But at the moment I am using Carvin DCM600 power amp into mesa 4x12 v30 with AFX providing all the tonal shaping for me including its fine poweramp simulation.

Hope it helps,

Personally I wouldnt have either.

I dont think you need a valve power amp. If you do, I feel the messa colours the sound too much for use with the Axe, but thats personal.

Either way, you could get a new SS Power amp for less than a used Messa, so financially I wouldnt have that.

As for the Marshall, I dont like those either. Also I dont think (though Im not 100%) they allow a bridged mono mode. 80 per side ss isnt really enough. I use an art SLA-1 (many use theSLA-2) which his 100W per side - BUT I bridge it into my 2x12 giving 260W. Its not about matching your speakers, or volume, but clean headroom. I think youd be dissapoined with the 80/80.

If price isnt a factor - or you can afford the used Messa, Id take a look at the Arts (SLA-1 or SLA-2) as a 1U solution, OR Carvins and QSCs for 2U. Any of thiose are quality power options and should be cheaper new than the used Messa.

If you MUST have valves, save for a VHT 2:50:2 - although the Messa isnt bad as a starting point for now. Really though you dont need a valve PA.
I agree, you don't need a tube power amp. Lots of disadvantages (heavier, maintenance), and no real advantages that I can see. Your Axe-Fx can make it sound more than "tubey" enough. I loooooove the Mesa Boogie power amps, but with the Axe-Fx, nope.
mxr2000 said:
Hello i was thinking on getting a Fractal AXE-FX soon for the first time and was hopping to get a good Power amp that some friends are offering at a good fair price and would like to know which of this is the best selection for the moment.. :)
So what I need to know, if a Marshall 80/80 SS poweramp or a Vintage Mesa Boogie 50/50 poweramp is the best to get the most out of the Fractal Axe-FX and which speakers are the best to use on a 2x12 cabinet to get most accurate and faithful sound of this Fractal audio preamp? your help is appreciated. :)

Out of the two amps you have mentioned here I would use the Boogie. Just make sure you have good tubes.

As to the speakers it's a toss up, you could run V30's or 75's what ever you like as the cab is going to have it's own sound. Runing the cab sims in the signal chain with a guitar cab would tend to make things sound muddy. Some here have run the EVM 12 L a very heavy and exspensive speaker which if I'm not mistaken has been discontinued by EV. EV's site mentions a replacement by Eminence caled the delta pro 12A which looks somewhat flat untill you get around 3K then it has a nice 8 db spike.
To answer the title
"Which is the of this Poweramp's is the best with the Axe-FX"

Its subjective - You will have to try everything for yourself to decide.

.... heres the short list

Mesa stereo 2:100 , 2:90
VHT 2/50/2 2/90/2
Carvin DCM 600/1000/1500
Art SLA 1-2-4
and the list goes on...............
I have a QSC GX5 with 500 watts (x2) of stereo power... and that sucker is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper loud... I have my Axe-fx set to 3 o'clock and both channels set to noon on the QSC and I then proceed to put on my ear plugs and jam away! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just get something with enough power and headroom and knock yourself out.
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