Which IRs to buy?



so far ive been happy with the free IR'S given by fractal and other users. (free Owhhammer packages, etc..)
Though im considering to get one of the packs...so which you do you think is THE essential you got to own?
Also on the ownhammer page there are IRs for different ohms? Whats the difference there?

Also on the fractal site there is an ultimate pack of the ownhammer ones...how much money would i actually save to get the package instead of buying each package
by itself?
What are your favorite tones? For small combo tones I'd recommend the newest Amp Factory stuff. For 4x12", take any flavour of Ownhammer you prefer. His Studio library has huge amount of speakers recorded in Marshall 4x12", suitable for wide range of tones. The newer "essentials" -sets focus on one speaker/cab combination per set. High/mid/low gain essential from same speaker can sound pretty different. For modern heavy stuff, take some of the High gain essentials -sets.
My favorite IR collections so far have been the TAF Legends pack and the Fractal/Ownhammer bundle. I have the latest Fractal cab pack as well, but haven't spent tons of time with it yet. I haven't purchased the TAF Studio Delta set yet either, but probably will at some point. Since I have a bunch of presets dialed in and end up just playing lately I'm not exploring IR's as much as I used to. With the above packs I've got a lot to choose from already.
My favorites are the RedWirez and Ownhammer. I find mixing these two also makes for some great sound. You can get the RedWirez waves and convert them to UR using cablab if you wish. All depends on what you are looking for.
My favorites are the RedWirez and Ownhammer. I find mixing these two also makes for some great sound. You can get the RedWirez waves and convert them to UR using cablab if you wish. All depends on what you are looking for.

^ same here , I often mix a RedWirez and an OH IR together for a desired sound
I have Fractal's, TAF and OH's. All are quite good to excellent. Unfortunately it can be a bit of a rabbit hole to find what you're favorite flavors are. I mainly stick with the OH Studio Mix and Essentials libraries. Mainly the Marshall Checkerboard cab IR's.
Ok but whats the different Ohm/Hz stuff mean on the ownhammer Webpage? Which one is the right one for me?
In a nut shell, (to me audibly)... the 8 vs 16 Ohm (8's are darker in a manner of speaking) and 55Hz... bit more LF reponse. Give Kevin a shout at OH. I'm sure he'd be able to help guide you to what you're looking for.

OwnHammer.com - Contact Form
Something quick I threw together a while ago regarding the difference in the HGE V30's; more details on the SoundCloud page for this file.

I wish you could state what the IR's were on the front page relating to the tracks. I hear tracks and think THAT'S the IR I want, but I have no way of finding out what IR was used in each track. Any way we can get this info Hammer?
thanks for the soundcloud clips...though its still hard to tell any audible differences between the ohm's. (its late and just listened to them in low volume) Will try to use some headphones tom. to hopefully spot the differences.
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