Which interfaces actually work with the Axe-fx II full Spdif?

No issues here with Digi 003 S/PDIF -> AxeFx II.

Haven't done reamping with the Axe yet, but it's definitely in the cards somewhere along the line. Just curious, barhrecords, what DAW and OS are you using? I have a 003 as well and it'd be great to know I'm most likely not gonna run into problems when I do get to reamping. For the record, I'm using Pro Tools 9.0.6 on a Mac Pro with Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
I use my AXFXII with a Yamaha O1X SPDIF.. no issues but had to set 48ksps.

BTW, Yamaha has not supported the MLAN (RANT!!!) and the O1X and other MLAN gear in my setup has to be configured using a separate XP64 machine (just used for this)...

Me NO buy Yamaha stuff requiring any drivers or software support...... they are IMHO the complete opposite of Cliff and Fractal...

Rant mode Off....
Haven't done reamping with the Axe yet, but it's definitely in the cards somewhere along the line. Just curious, barhrecords, what DAW and OS are you using? I have a 003 as well and it'd be great to know I'm most likely not gonna run into problems when I do get to reamping. For the record, I'm using Pro Tools 9.0.6 on a Mac Pro with Snow Leopard 10.6.8.

PT 10.3, Windows 7 Pro SP1 64 bit.

Works with the USB interface directly from the AxeFx II also, but for simplicity of patching, I ususally use the analog or S/PDIF of the AxeFx II vs. USB.
Haven't done reamping with the Axe yet, but it's definitely in the cards somewhere along the line. Just curious, barhrecords, what DAW and OS are you using? I have a 003 as well and it'd be great to know I'm most likely not gonna run into problems when I do get to reamping. For the record, I'm using Pro Tools 9.0.6 on a Mac Pro with Snow Leopard 10.6.8.

You are in fact going to run into the same issues that drove me nearly insane before finding this post:
"I contacted Fractal and was told that their driver has a bug with OSX 10.6.8 and older versions."

You're going to need to upgrade to at least Lion. Although I believe my upgrade from 10.6.8 to 10.8.2 for Mountain Lion was only $20-25. I just wish that the solution was easier to find, as I too thought that it was my brand new interface at first.
Bakerman - in order for the Axe-fx II to receive a Spdif signal (to say, reamp a dry signal via spdif) the Axe-fx II has to be the master. Saffire Pro 14 cannot slave to the Axe-fx II when running Spdif. We've been down this road before. It simply doesn't work. As stated earlier, I'm not interested in people telling me I'm doing it wrong with the Pro 14, because I've tried every freaking method under the sun. You simply cannot go full Spdif with the Focusrite Saffire Pro 14.

So, I ask again: Anybody who's been able to go full spdif with their interface, please let me know. Thanks!
This is wrong. The AxeFXII has to be the slave whenever it receives a digital signal which means that the source (the Focusrite) has to be the master when you are playing out through the SPDIF and feeding the AxeFX2. If it says no clock sync, check to make sure that the AUDIO IO settings are for SPDIF and not AES or USB.
There's an RME Babyface which should totally do the trick used for $500 at GC used online. That's a lot of interface for the $. If I didn't have a UFX, I'd be very tempted.
This is wrong. The AxeFXII has to be the slave whenever it receives a digital signal which means that the source (the Focusrite) has to be the master when you are playing out through the SPDIF and feeding the AxeFX2. If it says no clock sync, check to make sure that the AUDIO IO settings are for SPDIF and not AES or USB.

Yeah we figured that out already. Spdif is selected. Doesn't matter. Still reads no input clock. That's why I need to try it with another interface - so that I can figure out if it's the Axe spdif input that's broken. I'm not going to spend any money until I figure that first part out. RME Babyface is looking mighty fine though...
Yes. 99.99% certain that's your problem. See this thread:

One of the last posts says "I contacted Fractal and was told that their driver has a bug with OSX 10.6.8 and older versions." And then he details the steps to resolve the issue.

That thread's about using the Axe as a USB interface, which is different from what the OP here is trying to do. He just wants to connect the Axe via SPDIF to another interface, which doesn't require Fractal drivers or a USB connection to Axe.
I'm still waiting on Ztevie to tell me how he made the 24 DSP work. There may be light at the end of the tunnel yet.

Yeah, sorry I'm having a crazy week at work.. Haven't touched the axe for several days. I'll see how late I come home tonight if I can have a look, but I have to get up at 5 am tomorrow and work 12 hours, same on sunday.
But next week I'm free all week, so latest Monday I can check for sure.
THanks ztevie! I will add an addendum to your statement - "... latest Monday I can check for sure, [unless FW 10 drops and then goodbye until next month]." :razz
OK, had a quick look... Here goes:
I understand you could record dry thru spdif already, right?

I had to jerk around a bit before I remembered what I did, but...
What I had to change to make the dry track return from my DAW, thru the saffire and back thru my axe, then returning another wet track back to the daw was this:
In my DAW inputs/outputs I opened up an output SPDIF L, which in my case is DAW 7 output (Presonus Studio One). I set the dry track output to that one in my daw.
In the saffire mixer router window, I set the DAW 7 as source for SPDIF Output 1.
Changed the Main input source in the Axe to SPDIF/AES and of course had to have SPDIF chosen in the SPDIF/AES SELECT.

I could then play the dry track, while recording another track in my daw, and changing presets came through in that recording, so all's good...

THat's it. I keep both SPDIF cables connected to the saffire and axe, and I dont need to change the clock source in the saffire, it's set to internal all the time.
Be sure to NOT monitor your dry track in your daw, there was a terrible feedback noise!! Also try to restart your daw if you don't get it to work after changing these settings...

Good luck. hope there was something above that you didn't think of earlier, so you can get everything to work!

Now a few hours sleep, before heading back to work... It's 11 pm here in Sweden so I'll get at least 5 hours. 8)
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So I guess I had never realized I needed to route the spdif output to a DAW output in order that spdif messages get sent. So after setting up the way you describe, I have progress, but I think sad news. I tried the above method, and all that happens is when I switch over to Spdif from analog (main input source) I get about a 1/4 second hiss, and the axe-fx II displays the message "NO INPUT CLOCK".

I'm thinking that beyond shadow of doubt, the Spdif input on my Axe-fx II is broken. Bummed, big time. I guess when I'm ready after my scratch tracks are done, I'll contact Fractal and see if I can send it in to get repaired. Hopefully I'm not without it too long.
I think Toslink on the Axe would have been a wonderful inclusion. A 48K sampling rate is too limiting.

So I guess I had never realized I needed to route the spdif output to a DAW output in order that spdif messages get sent. So after setting up the way you describe, I have progress, but I think sad news. I tried the above method, and all that happens is when I switch over to Spdif from analog (main input source) I get about a 1/4 second hiss, and the axe-fx II displays the message "NO INPUT CLOCK".

I'm thinking that beyond shadow of doubt, the Spdif input on my Axe-fx II is broken. Bummed, big time. I guess when I'm ready after my scratch tracks are done, I'll contact Fractal and see if I can send it in to get repaired. Hopefully I'm not without it too long.

Hm, I'm not so sure about that. I believe there's some simple setting somewhere that may be causing this.
Before I got this to work I ust went all over the place trying this and that, suddenly it all just worked.
Stupid question, but: Do you actually play your dry track to see if it would come into tha axe anyway. Put it in a loop in your daw and try different settings while it loops... I also had that No Input Clock all the time until it sudenly started working when fidling arounf...
Another thought is the cable, but I guess you've got "real" RCA spdif cables and not normal RCA for analog audio? TRied different set of cables?

Otherwise I'd contact FAS support, they should be able to tell you how you can test if the spdif is working or not before sending it in.
I use an Echo Layla24 for this on Win7 x64 and it works perfectly. I can reamp with the Axe using a dry guitar DI, then route the results to a new track, record that as it goes, and nudge it into place later to fix the latency offset.

Echo Audio are to be commended because they continued to update their drivers even though the device came out when WinXP was current. I've had Echo devices from the beginning and have never regretted it. I even have a spare Layla24 in case the one I have burns out or I want 16 analog outs. Built-in console app is simple but effective. It also has toslink/adat for supporting high-end external converters.

This was a $1K+ product when it came out and they can be bought on eBay now for a hundred bucks or less. Recommended.
Yes, ztevie. In the pitiful throes of desperation I did try to play the track through to see if it worked. The answer, is unfortunately no - it didn't play. I figured I would give it a shot.

Yeah, the cables are definitely the right ones. I mean, it worked to send a wet track in. Additionally, if I just link the cable as a loop in the Saffire Pro 14 (connect the input to the output) and set it to clock to spdif, it will lock. So I know the interface is actually sending messages down the pipe. I will continue to tinker.

In the worst possible case scenario, I will end up doing a mix of the analog out - spdif in reamping technique. It's just that I'd like to be able to retain the original signal all the way through. And for reamping effects it would be super convenient to be able to use spdif and retain absolute digital clarity on my sends. Sad panda.
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