Which firewire interface are you using with SPDIF


Hey there. I'm looking for a new firewire interface to use with my iMac (i7) and Axe FX II and I'm wondering who's using what. Currently I'm using a Presonus FP10 (Firepod) with my iMac and Live 9 and for whatever reason (I've tried everything) I'm having no luck with SPDIF and the FP10. I can get audio in to the Axe via SPDIF but it won't return in Live. (I want to be able to use the Axe in a loop from Live) The other option I've attempted is to create an aggregate device in OSX with the FP10 and the Axe and just use the USB but I'm having all sorts of dropouts, noise issues and general instability with that option. Figuring it's the FP10 that's causing the issue and am considering an upgrade to a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 or an M Audio Profire 2626. Anybody having any good success with either of these interfaces of something similar (don't have the funds for an RME). Thanks for your input.
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