Where to go from here - Matrix GT 1000 plus Passive FRFRs or QSC K10 1 or 2


So, after getting the brilliant Axe FX 2 and running it through my iMAC with M-Audio Speakers (AV-40s) - I feel the M-Audios are not doing the Axe any kind of justice.
The AV's bass end is boomy and can distort the patches on the Axe, can be hard to push some volume.

So I realise I need a proper Speaker Setup to really unleash the power of the Axe.
I mostly use the Axe for home recordings and not gigging so I don't need any Monster type setups.

However, looking all around the web, I see the standard seems to be the Matrix GT 1000 Power Amp and then through a set of FRFRs.
I must admit having heard Tom Quayle's review of the Matrix with the Axe it sounded unbelievable....

So here is my dilemma and questions???

Would an active Speaker like the QSC-K10 (Which also got rave reviews) have as good a sound as the Matrix Amp running through FRFRs???

Also is there a huge difference between having 1 speaker setup in a house environment and 2 for the stereo patches - lot of money for that 2nd speaker :)

Sorry for all the questions but I just don't know what path to go down from here :D :p
I have an ENGL Tube amp and 2x12 CAB with Celestion Speakers in it..... So another possibility would be the Matrix via my ENGL Cab and maybe even add a 2nd Cab...
Is a Cab much different to FRFRs???

Jeez so many choices - please help :D

Is this for live use or bedroom volumes? I use EV ELX112 passives powered by a matrix GT800FX, more than enough power for any venue and sounds incredible (note: I dial these patches in at about 110-112 db). In my home studio I run the axe through a pair of KRK V6's and sounds really good after adjusting eq for the volume difference between Live and studio
Hi thank you for your feedback.
This setup is really mainly for Home Studio monitoring and recording etc.
Thank you for the info on the KRKs I had not seen them before. I just looked up the new KRK VXT8 Active Studio Monitors and they look just the job for the home studio setup.
I doubt I would get a chance to hear them first, but it seems they are much more the job then the M-Audios I have (The M-audios are only normal computer speakers)...

So Overall I would be running the Axe through these, with guitars, bass, keys/synths and computer audio too.
If these bad boys can crank up loud without distorting and give a very good presence and power to the Axe well these might just be what I am looking for.

I guess what I was trying to figure out is, would there be much of a difference with the Matrix added into the equation (as in, does it add extra warmth or anytyhing) - compared to
running straight through the KRK monitors????

Thanks again for your help...
The k10 is way too loud for bedroom or studio monitoring. I'm currently adjusting tones with them at home but it's just so loud to actually make the speaker do what it needs to.

Studio monitors would be the best in my opinion. Matrix, or any amp of that wattage, also might not be able to open up enough, so a lower powered system sounds like a good bet.
Thanks for the info chrisallen8888 - Yes I am thinking now maybe something like a pair of KRK VST 6s (As the 8s seem a little too big for my setup).
I just do not want to compromise on sound quality at all. Want the ability to go loud with the Axe, Computer, Monitoring etc, and have 0 distortion or rattle from the speakers
with a fairly true flat response. These seem to be getting very good reviews, so yes maybe I won't go down the road of the Matrix and try a setup like this instead...

For home use and recording use studio monitors. No need for a power amp, wedges etc.
Do a search. Lots of recommendations: Adam, Genelecs, etc.
You need Studio monitors for what you plan to use it for. I use Yamaha HS50Ms, a pair running in stereo, but there are KRKs, genelecs etc, the key is studio monitors not computer speakers.
Hi, thanks Yek and stratmania, also to everyone for replying you have all helped a lot....

I realise now that yes it is in fact a pair of proper Studio Monitors that I need and not the full blown amp/wedges or computer speaker setup.
I will be in NYC for a couple of weeks from the end of the week and I will try go and hear some of them.

I would like to hear the KRK VXT 6s and similar type monitors.
Anyone know of any good locations in Manhattan to try some of these monitors out???

Thanks again....
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