What's YOUR cab block tend to look like :)


First off, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! For those who don't, Happy Holidays!

Ok. I always pop in a question and everyone tends to be pretty good about supplying useful info. So here goes...

What's our typical cab block config? I'm not talking what IR's you use or anything. I'm talking panning, delay, proximity, etc. I'm asking cause I could use another idea and maybe there's a combonation of things I haven't thought of yet. Just curious.

I prefer to find an IR that near enough works straight off so I tweak very little. I low cut at around 100 and high cut quite aggressively around 6500. Whilst this can sound a little dull at lower volume once cranked it generally sounds about right. Mic is none as I don't feel the need to adjust the associated parameters. Occasionally I will use a preamp but usually I find I can achieve what I need with pre and post cab eq and the hq preamp is pretty cpu heavy.
About half the time I'll have stereo ultrares but I don't pan these as I run mono live.
In the amp block I often add a little speaker drive.
And related in a way I nearly always have a tiny amount of Reverb between the amp and cab. I use London plate. I don't know how or why (it may even be a placebo!) it works but I just feel it adds life and space to the overall sound in a way I can't seem to achieve in the cab block.
At the end of the day the IR choice is key and get that right and imo the subsequent tweaks should be minimal.
Depends on the ir, but for the most part I'll only adjust the dephase if it needs it. Sometimes I'll use the mic sims if I want a little extra bottom (r121) or cut (421)
I keep everything off.
The mic is set to "none", so all those proximity things don't do anyhting.
Room is off, Dephase is off and so on...
Only the IR is doing the work...
The IR already has all this stuff in it, so adding extras isn't exactly natural. Like, Mic'ing up a mic'ed signal or putting a room in a room...
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I don't use anything other than a straight up mono Ultrares user cab. I do all my EQ after the cab block.
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i play with different things. sometimes it's just the ir, sometimes some dephase with a little motor drive. sometimes i'll mess with the preamp and add a null mic with close proximity just for a little thump. depends on my mood, the ir, the amp.
De-phase around 1ish

Low cut at roughly 90

High cut around 6000

Motor drive to taste for some high gain sounds
Usually I setup a stereo UR IR and then I work on my tone with Low/hi Cut and De-phase.
Cracks me up a little that we've been pushing for better and better FRFR for so long, and spending good money to get it. Only to find that all we really needed was MRFR: Medium Range Flat Response.

I do things a lot like others here: I end up cutting a lot of lows, and on some presets I cut a good deal of high end trash out, too. That intermediate range between about 150-8,000hz is what really matters. As long as that part is flat, I'm happy.
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