What's the best way to record

Thanks for that. To be honest I only ever record just guitar on its own but still I think I prefer the SPDIF option, the interface I am using is an RME Fireface 400. The one on the kink below. I guess the only snag is the length of cable I need and if 25ft is too long for some reason?

RME: Fireface 400

I'm not 100% sure, but I think max length for coaxial S/PDIF is 100 meters, obviously the higher quality the better signal. A major misconception is that because it's digital, it either works or it doesn't... This is just not true. I could waste a bunch of time typing it all out but doing a quick search on the internet will provide you all the info you need.

The longest I've ever required is 20 feet, used cheap $10 cable and have never had any problems, just make sure it's a coaxial cable and rated for 75 Ohms.
Thanks for the info guys, I've always wondered about spdif. I've never had any problems using USB, retry simple and painless for me.
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