"What's New" won't work?

Rich G.

When I click the "What's New" button, it takes me to a message saying I don't have permissions to do that... anyone else seeing this? I used to use that all the time- now it won't work for me.
Still have the problem here... also when I go to "View Forum Posts" of a user. Good to know it's not just me, I guess. Thought maybe it was a computer issue or something on my end.
Ya, also having the same problem. I assume it has to do with the fact that the forum has been getting hit hard post-AxeFxII rollout. My guess is it'll get fixed once things settle down some.
Looks like the search function has been disabled. This usually eats up bandwidth and would slow the forum down to a crawl and probably only a temporary
issue until the Axe II frenzy settles down.
Looks like the search function has been disabled. This usually eats up bandwidth and would slow the forum down to a crawl and probably only a temporary
issue until the Axe II frenzy settles down.

This is correct. They disabled it temporarily to reduce the load on the forum.
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