What's in Cliff's Axe-II Rig?


Fractal Fanatic
I apologize in advance if this info is hiding somewhere else, but I would love to see the master's setup!

C'mon Cliff! Show us yer rig! :)
It's been noted that he runs the Axe-fx II into a Carvin F1200 power amp... at the latest Amp Show they were running the Axe-fx II into an older Crown power amp...
15 unit all behringer rack into a zoom g2 dave mustain with all knobs at 12, into a 1974 MOntgomery Ward with 2 blown tubes, bias set at -12.5 gigagigawatz.
He doesn't actually play an AxeFx rig, he's a tube amp snob.
He just builds the AxeFx units and sells them so he has a good excuse to tell his wife about all the tube amps he buys 'for research'. It's amazing the things a true tube snob will go through to feed their addiction!
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