Whats Cliff doing now?

Cliff is in the process of modelling this...

dog perform GIF
I posted this on the most excellent thegearforum.com and will share it here too:

We chose "quality over quantity". We decided that fewer mics, longer IRs and higher spatial sampling were better than shorter IRs, less spatial sampling and more mics.

I've also come up with a novel method to align IRs. The plots below illustrate this:

View attachment 117417

The top plot is a comparison of two IRs from a popular product. The IRs are misaligned by roughly 2.5 samples. These IRs were for the same cab and mic, just at two different positions/distances.

The bottom plot are those same two IRs after being put through my IR Alignment process. If the IRs aren't perfectly aligned then you get "phasiness" as you interpolate between spatial points because you introduce notches into the spectrum. A delay of 2.5 samples will create notches at 9.6 and 19.2 kHz (@ 48kHz sample rate).

Furthermore my algorithm aligns IRs across all combinations of cabs/mics. So you can mix IRs from different cabs without worrying about time alignment.
I've always wondered if the best way to align IRs was to align the start of the waveform, the first peak or find the position where most of the peaks are in phase. These graphs seem to answer that question (along with how REW behaves too)
Well, hes not Wrong, @ the Gear Forum is amazing
All Modeler platforms are welcome, great discussions, helpful, lots of talented musicians, great knowledge and most of all so many good laughs
How did I not know about this forum? I’ve had my AFX less than a year and I always come here. Going to have to check it out. I think it’s so close to the TGP that I never made the distinction. Couple that with the fact that I could never do TGP, just can’t do it. Awesome news.
How did I not know about this forum? I’ve had my AFX less than a year and I always come here. Going to have to check it out. I think it’s so close to the TGP that I never made the distinction. Couple that with the fact that I could never do TGP, just can’t do it. Awesome news.

I don’t want to clog this thread promoting the forum, but for any others curious, it was created as a result of not being down with TGP and I’ll leave it at that. Stone is spot on; all are welcome, the more the merrier, we all love gear and we intentionally invited a core group of people to create a personality for the forum and that was what I’d consider highly successful. We opened it last Fall and it’s been growing steadily since then!
I don’t want to clog this thread promoting the forum, but for any others curious, it was created as a result of not being down with TGP and I’ll leave it at that. Stone is spot on; all are welcome, the more the merrier, we all love gear and we intentionally invited a core group of people to create a personality for the forum and that was what I’d consider highly successful. We opened it last Fall and it’s been growing steadily since then!
Nice! I just signed up.
I don’t want to clog this thread promoting the forum, but for any others curious, it was created as a result of not being down with TGP and I’ll leave it at that. Stone is spot on; all are welcome, the more the merrier, we all love gear and we intentionally invited a core group of people to create a personality for the forum and that was what I’d consider highly successful. We opened it last Fall and it’s been growing steadily since then!
I’ll be heading over there, thanks for the heads up.
I posted this on the most excellent thegearforum.com and will share it here too:

We chose "quality over quantity". We decided that fewer mics, longer IRs and higher spatial sampling were better than shorter IRs, less spatial sampling and more mics.

I've also come up with a novel method to align IRs. The plots below illustrate this:

View attachment 117417

The top plot is a comparison of two IRs from a popular product. The IRs are misaligned by roughly 2.5 samples. These IRs were for the same cab and mic, just at two different positions/distances.

The bottom plot are those same two IRs after being put through my IR Alignment process. If the IRs aren't perfectly aligned then you get "phasiness" as you interpolate between spatial points because you introduce notches into the spectrum. A delay of 2.5 samples will create notches at 9.6 and 19.2 kHz (@ 48kHz sample rate).

Furthermore my algorithm aligns IRs across all combinations of cabs/mics. So you can mix IRs from different cabs without worrying about time alignment.
Looks like it lines 'em up the way I eyeball 'em.

Is the distance still adjustible as in the current setup so the perfect alignment can then be fudged to get a misalignment if desired?
I posted this on the most excellent thegearforum.com

Very cool. I just signed up too. This is the only forum I actually participate in, but I like to gather consensus about guitar wiring and gear wherever I can find it! I like to create a profile honestly just so I can use advanced search functions in other forums. Best of luck with it @RevDrucifer. Anything to foster real discussion that actually helps musicians rather than just shilling for brands. I'm very glad that a forum was formed specifically to counter the kind of stuff that TGP does to users.
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