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What Song is Stuck in Your Brain Today??


Power User
With not much thanks to "Ibrunet" for posting (as funny as it is): Guitarist slapped in the face ! Grosse baffe musicale - YouTube, from the ever popular thread "things that make you laugh". I have had this song stuck in my head for a few days now. Can't seem to shake it and it's driving me @#%$*! Nuts!! :-x Not too funny anymore!

What song is stuck in your brain?... if anyone has any suggestions how to shake this (nasty at times) phenomenon... I sure could use a little help here. Many thanks in advance.

Peace... and I need some right about's now.
Funniest thing happened to me (even more random this thread should show up to complete the circle)

I was singing on some random shit (yeah I have to sing more at home now since we sing in school (musicology))

Then I started to sing on (I KNOW OK!) Michael Buble - Everything..... THEN it happened.. Strangest thing.

I had no reason to sing that song at all, I just started to sing it and I opened up youtube......

One of subscribers or something had uploaded a cover version of Michael Buble - everything: EIGHT MINUTES AGO!!!!!

So when I opened up youtube that was the first video, on top of my list. The first thing I saw when I opened youtube..

What are the odds??????
I read enter sandman.. Those bums are hard in mr.sandman

bumbumbumBUMBUMBUMBUMbum bumbumbumBUMBUM :D
Remember Richie Kotzen.
I transcribed for pupils ( and because I love his music)
If you want a copy you can find it on my blog.
Nyan Cat. No I'm not kidding. Nyan Cat will sneak into my head when I least expect it and I have the incessant "nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan" in my head.

I fear if I post a YouTube link, I will curse everyone on this forum with Nyan :lol
I had my class outside today setting up satellite downlinks. They did really well with the ones I assigned to them so I had them find one on their own on another bird and made them do everything on their own....about an hour later (I was starting to worry about them) they got a lock. All I could hear was the Hawaii Five-O theme song ( I still don't know what sat they were on).

8 hours later its still hanging around in my head a bit.
What a great tune to have stuck there... maybe some pain killers will alleviate my tune that's stuck... and spinning its wheels hard doing brake torques like a top fuel dragster... OUCH!!
I know that if I have a crappy day I can just put that song on and go for a run and everything just feels better real fast. Pain killers did nothing for me but make me miss about a year of my kid growing up and make ugly drool spots everywhere.
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