What is this glitchy sound?


New Member
I am new to sound design and audio all together. What is this clipping/glitchy sound I am getting? I already have the USB input dialed very far down in the settings on the device itself.

It sounds like the patch you're using may be exceeding 80%. What CPU percentage is your patch at? CPU usage is dynamic so the recommended CPU usage is to stay below 80%.
It sounds like the patch you're using may be exceeding 80%. What CPU percentage is your patch at? CPU usage is dynamic so the recommended CPU usage is to stay below 80%.
In Fm9-Edit I do not see it going above 44%.

Check your USB buffer size settings as well.
I currently have input at 1744 samples (36.3 ms) and Output at 1920 (40ms)

Not quite sure how I landed on those figures, but that is what Abelton is showcasing.
Is this a factory preset? If not, are you experiencing the same symptom when using a factory preset? If yes, then I would try adjusting your buffer settings like @mr_fender suggested. If you're using a Windows computer you can see the buffer settings by right clicking the FM9 USB icon located on the taskbar. If you're using a Mac someone else will have to share where to find FM9 USB icon because I'm not familiar with Macs. The buffer settings you mentioned in your last message seem like they are buffer settings for Ableton. If you check and find that the FM9 USB buffer settings are really low (64 or lower) then try raising them to 256, or even better to 512. You will experience more latency the higher you set the buffer. For now, we're just trouble shooting. You can always lower them later after you isolate the problem.

Another thing to check is whether Ableton is set to 48khz. Many DAWs (most?) default to 44.1khz. The FM9 operates at 48khz, so you need to make sure that your DAW is also set to 48khz.
The DAW setting of 48khz is really only an issue if you're recording using the USB interface. If you're using the Output Jacks (other than SPDIF) then it doesn't matter if Ableton is set to 48khz or not.
Sounds like bad clipping. Is your signal path too hot? Check the levels tab on the devices and see if any of them are too high.
Make sure you're using the ASIO drivers in Ableton too if you're on Windows.
Troubleshooting everything now but this stood out to me. If I switch to ASIO the PC Headphones no longer work. That is the primary reason I am using Ableton, as a monitor of sorts.
Sounds too cyclical to be clipping and doesn't seem to vary with input dynamics in the sample. Sounds more like a USB or DAW (driver, buffer, clock, etc.) issue to me.
Looks like it was. My PC is only for play. All my real work and recording is done on my Mac where I don’t need a driver and I use the FM9 as the interface with logic so this behavior is foreign to me. 😅
This sounds quite similar to clipping between blocks. Check the signal level meters per block to see if your signal is high somewhere in the chain. It may well be the sample rate as described here, but worth a look at the signal chain as well.
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