What is the most efficient way of creating this routing?


Fractal Fanatic
I want to run my usual backline signal in parallel with a FOH signal. The backline signal goes into a reverb block in parallel and ends at the FX block where it is channelled into two feeds, one for each of my cabinets (one wet, one dry). I want to send the same original signal into a Cab block and then to the same Reverb block in stereo to the FOH. What is the most efficient way of creating this routing? I've figured out a way of doing it but it uses the last four columns of the grid which seems like rather a lot of real estate. Since I assume other users must be doing something similar, I'd like to know what the best way is of doing this. (I guess I could use a second Reverb block but I'd prefer to do it with one.)

Signal ----- (backline) ---------- Rev (par) ----- FX (Out 2)
Signal ----- (FOH) ---- Cab ----- Rev (par) ----- Out 1
To use one reverb block you'd need cab sim after reverb, because reverb sums to mono at its input. Do you want the Out 1 signal to be dry & reverb in separate channels, or dry in both channels mixed with stereo reverb?

Balance reverb & dry L/R with the FXL mixer. Use a stereo cab. You could optionally place a mixer before cab to adjust Out 1 reverb level without affecting Out 2. (Without the mixer you can still use reverb & FXL row levels to get different amounts of reverb at Out 1 & 2.)
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