What happened to preset 1? Changed to 'bypass' after a backup of AxeFXII 15.02


Power User
I was backing up the Axe prior to loading in the UltraRes bundled with 15.02, when i noticed right after the successful backup, that 59bassguy had changed to 'bypass'. I thought "what happened?" I hadn't been using bypass at all.
Then when i went to Axe-Edit 'tools' / 'manage presets' to reload the individual preset, it was listed as 'bypass' - no 59bassman in the list. So i closed the panel, but when i closed the panel, preset 1 switched from 'bypass' back to 59bassguy.
Is this normal, a glitch, or newbee error?
If a bug, did maybe the preset list momentarily wrap around to the last preset in the list - 'bypass', for some reason?

BTW - I really like preset 1 with my P bass. At the moment 59bassguy is back where it belongs - preset 1, and i'm thinking it might be OK to proceed with importing the UltraRes cabs, but figured i should report in case it wasn't just user error.
It's normal and happens every time. Just switch to another preset, then switch back and your preset will be there.
normal. the last preset on the axe is called "Bypass" and it just happens to be what's left in the "Recall" screen after a backup.
What you are looking at is what is in the buffer memory. as has been said, switch to another preset and back and all will be back. Or just reboot.
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