What do you expect in the future from FAS?


HI All!
this is just a general topic...what do you expect in the future from FAS?
Actually there is any kind of effects/amp inside and the quality is super. I don't know what they can bring in the future, ok maybe more power but i don't anyone needs to run 10 delays or 10 reverbs at the same time.

Share your opinion if you want
I never expect anything, it's all a bonus if new stuff comes out, more than happy with what i have but a decent Feedback Sim block would be very welcome as well as something from Laney.;)
The future of amp modeling is better workflow. There just isn’t much room left for growth in improved tube amp emulation. But there is a lot of room for improvement in workflow.

P.S. "Expect" is a loaded word around here. "Hope for" is a safer way to put it.
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It should be possible one day not only to match the sound of tube amps, but improve upon them. What do you think "better than tubes" would sound like?
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