What could I use a single expression jack for?

I haven't used my FM9 'in anger' yet but on my FM3 i have a momentary switch connected to a PEQ block set to bump mids and add a db or
two so I can make short lead parts stand out and not get buried by the fookin' bass player. I have a single switch for this purpose with the FM9 but not set it up yet as it may not be needed; plenty of switches available to do this on the FM9 without resorting to an external switch probably.
I have an always-accessible momentary switch for "Unchained Flanger". Actually cool in a variety of situations. Could also go for "Huge Delay", "Reverse", "Lo-Fi" or the like.
I have both a 'flange this' momentary and an 'echo swell' momentary on my board. My rotary speed has both momentary and latching switches, so I can spin it up/down and walk away, or tweak it just when I'm stepping on it....
in my scenario, my piano sustain pedal is plugged into one of the pedal options and is assigned to the hold function on the reverb for every preset I play with. Won't be used super often, but when I want to it will be right there with a sustain pedal and that just feels right lol.
Oh good call. Reverb hold is a great idea. I'd forgotten about using a freeze type effect for playing at home. That might be the plan.
Hi All -
I have a question that seems to fit this thread well - I want to do exactly this - add an external switch to act as a lead boost and free up an FM-9 switch for other purposes. The issue is that I really want one with an LED so I can tell with a glance if the boost is on or off. Two questions:
1. Does the pedal 3 Jack carry power when activated to light an led (or would I have to get a pedal with a battery)? …. And ….

2. Does anyone have a single switch with LED that they like and would recommend?

Hi All -
I have a question that seems to fit this thread well - I want to do exactly this - add an external switch to act as a lead boost and free up an FM-9 switch for other purposes. The issue is that I really want one with an LED so I can tell with a glance if the boost is on or off. Two questions:
1. Does the pedal 3 Jack carry power when activated to light an led (or would I have to get a pedal with a battery)? …. And ….

2. Does anyone have a single switch with LED that they like and would recommend?

There's no way for the jack to power a switch.

Further, switches with LEDs tend to get "out of sync" if you change presets because the switch doesn't know the state of what it's controlling has changed.
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Channel switching amplifiers provide power to the foot switch - usually the same power that activated channel lights on the front panel. But thanks for the clarification - no power on the Jack rails in Fractal units.

And, yes I can see where synch would be an issue. On my AX8, I can see both the internal switch LED and the block light up on the preset block controller window. I can probably get used to that.

Thanks for the reply!
Channel switching amplifiers provide power to the foot switch - usually the same power that activated channel lights on the front panel. But thanks for the clarification - no power on the Jack rails in Fractal units.

And, yes I can see where synch would be an issue. On my AX8, I can see both the internal switch LED and the block light up on the preset block controller window. I can probably get used to that.

Thanks for the reply!
If you were to use a Control Switch and you set CS Per Scene to LAST for all scenes in every preset you use it with, then it could mostly stay in sync.

But that may not work for you...
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I have a Freqout sitting in my III’s rack (in a loop) that I activate with a momentary switch plugged into one of the jacks. On presets I‘m not using the Freqout I’ll attach it to anything and use it like a normal momentary switch, just turning an effect on for a few seconds and taking my foot back off when I’m done. You can also turn the whammy into a Ricochet with one.
How are you 'activating' the Freqout? I can't find a way to control it externally. Do you have it 'on' in the loop an engaging the loop with a momentary switch?
Hi All -
I have a question that seems to fit this thread well - I want to do exactly this - add an external switch to act as a lead boost and free up an FM-9 switch for other purposes. The issue is that I really want one with an LED so I can tell with a glance if the boost is on or off. Two questions:
1. Does the pedal 3 Jack carry power when activated to light an led (or would I have to get a pedal with a battery)? …. And ….

2. Does anyone have a single switch with LED that they like and would recommend?

There are aftermarket parts online that offer LED switching, though they require a power source from either a battery or a 9VDC source. I don't know exactly what switch that is, perhaps someone with greater expertise might chime in...

Just did some research with "footswitch powered LED" on eBay. There's a few things there, including a LED powered colored ring-lit switch. You'd need a power source; the ring lights up only with power. Best to ask the seller how to go about this...
@bleujazz3 - thanks for this. I’ve looked into this a little deeper. Switches with LEDs are easy to make. One would use a DPST switch, with one circuit sending signal to the fractal, and the other an internal circuit with a 9V battery, an LED and a resistor chosen in a way that drops the voltage to the LED into the appropriate range. DPST switches are latching, in the sense that the switch is either in an on or off state. As Unix-guy pointed out above, the LED, and switch for that matter, would tend to get out of synch as one changes presets, or even scenes within a preset (depending on settings). So I think he is absolutely right, and I should be using a momentary (cs perpreset, last) and using information from the fractal front panel to monitor state (which is easy to do in the AX8). I’m not sure how to do that yet - I am waiting for my chance to buy an FM9 (c’mon ice cream!) and that is when this all becomes real.

In the meantime, I’ve discovered that you can buy small momentary switches for less than you can make them (see Saturnworkspedals.com for example). And that is the resolution I’ve decided to pursue.
@bleujazz3 - thanks for this. I’ve looked into this a little deeper. Switches with LEDs are easy to make. One would use a DPST switch, with one circuit sending signal to the fractal, and the other an internal circuit with a 9V battery, an LED and a resistor chosen in a way that drops the voltage to the LED into the appropriate range. DPST switches are latching, in the sense that the switch is either in an on or off state. As Unix-guy pointed out above, the LED, and switch for that matter, would tend to get out of synch as one changes presets, or even scenes within a preset (depending on settings). So I think he is absolutely right, and I should be using a momentary (cs perpreset, last) and using information from the fractal front panel to monitor state (which is easy to do in the AX8). I’m not sure how to do that yet - I am waiting for my chance to buy an FM9 (c’mon ice cream!) and that is when this all becomes real.

In the meantime, I’ve discovered that you can buy small momentary switches for less than you can make them (see Saturnworkspedals.com for example). And that is the resolution I’ve decided to pursue.
I haven't yet seen anyone using a single external switch with an LED at all, let alone making that work seamlessly (not saying no one has figured it out; I just haven't seen it).

I feel like the best (only?) way to make this work would be via MIDI. For functions like the lead boost you mentioned, it might make sense to consider using an onboard switch dedicated to that. For example, use a single external switch for tap tempo/hold for tuner. Or tap for bank up/hold for bank down. Those types of things don't really need a status light so are prime candidates for moving to an external switch.

Maybe Fractal will make an FC1 and/or FC2. No screen, just a super small enclosure with one or two switches with status rings. Whoa, now that I'm thinking about it that would be amazing. My FASlink jack goes unused on my FM9 because an FC6 is too big and is also overkill for my needs. I suspect I'm not alone in that.
Thanks for this. I hadn’t thought of moving other functions. Guess I’m still thinking to “conventional rig”- like, even after 7 years as an exclusive FAS user. Appreciate the input!!
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