What could I use a single expression jack for?


Fractal Fanatic
In my newest pedalboard build I have one unused expression jack. I have Loopi single switch and a Loopi expression knob so I could use either. With that said, I can't really think of anything I would use one of those for. I'm typically just using unaltered OFM9G layouts (with layout links so I automatically switch to the scenes layout when I select a preset). One expression pedal is always volume with tuner on heel down. The other expression pedal can be whatever else I need.

One idea I had was activating a global EQ for if I grab one of my brighter guitars but I'm not even sure I can do that with an external switch.

Any cool ideas/thoughts for what might be a cool use of an expression knob or single external switch?
The one button switch I have I dedicate to the amp boost function in whatever amp I'm using. Even if i have a drive in the signal chain I like to use it for it's own character.
This is a brilliant idea. Noob question, would you program that as a stand-in switch for a CS?

If you have an expression knob, maybe use that for global fx mix? Tie in all your delays and reverbs to global mix, and then you've got a wet control all by itself. Unless you can't sign global mix to an external controller?
My FM9 uses both PDL 2 and PDL 3 jacks for external stand-in switches. One is the FM9 tuner. The other uses a tap/hold for Bank Up/Bank Down. Saves use of at least 2 standard FM9 footswitches, and actually freed up 3 of my footswitches with v.4.00. My Duo 34 doesn't have enough room for a 2nd expression pedal, but allows a separate StroboStomp and 1 external each above & below the Strobo. Here's how she looks...

I don't think global EQs are assignable to switching...
No, they're not, that would require a standard FM9 switch with FM9-Edit routing for CS or Per Preset. I'd need to do more research before verifying being able to use global settings for certain parameters, but I'm sure you can't map a block (either PEQ or GEQ) globally with FM9-Edit...

The person I'd ask is @Moke. He's got more workarounds known to mankind than a lot of folks. Either that or @mr_fender. These guys know their stuff.
This is a brilliant idea. Noob question, would you program that as a stand-in switch for a CS?

If you have an expression knob, maybe use that for global fx mix? Tie in all your delays and reverbs to global mix, and then you've got a wet control all by itself. Unless you can't sign global mix to an external controller?
I don't know about brilliant but it works pretty good! All you need to do is to attach the modifier to the controller. Downside is it doesn't remember the state its in when switching from preset to preset ie: if you have it on and switch to another preset it will be in that state. Not that big of a deal unless you spend a lot of time switching presets.
No, they're not, that would require a standard FM9 switch with FM9-Edit routing for CS or Per Preset. I'd need to do more research before verifying being able to use global settings for certain parameters, but I'm sure you can't map a block (either PEQ or GEQ) globally with FM9-Edit...

The person I'd ask is @Moke. He's got more workarounds known to mankind than a lot of folks. Either that or @mr_fender. These guys know their stuff.
You can use a Control Switch to handle it globally in all presets, but you'd have to setup each preset.
I don't know about brilliant but it works pretty good! All you need to do is to attach the modifier to the controller. Downside is it doesn't remember the state its in when switching from preset to preset ie: if you have it on and switch to another preset it will be in that state. Not that big of a deal unless you spend a lot of time switching presets.
If you assign the CS Per Scene to Last in all scenes of all presets it will remember the state.
If you assign the CS Per Scene to Last in all scenes of all presets it will remember the state.
Crap something else I have to figure out... Ha! Does it have to be in all presets or just the ones I have it setup to engage the boost function?

EDIT: I just looked at the CS page and they are already set as a default to last.
This is a brilliant idea. Noob question, would you program that as a stand-in switch for a CS?

If you have an expression knob, maybe use that for global fx mix? Tie in all your delays and reverbs to global mix, and then you've got a wet control all by itself. Unless you can't sign global mix to an external controller?
Generally I like your thinking. It wouldn't be too difficult to assign delay and reverb mix (or level for parallel effects) to a single expression pedal/knob per preset.
I might have a few ideas....

I have 2 CCs and 7 extra switches on the FM9 board and 4 CCs in the middle, shared with the FX3, and 8 extra switches on the FC6 board hooked to the FX3....
You sir, have control issues. 😂

Joe, I can't imagine using that many controls. I mean, maaayyyybe I could imagine a way to use that many switches but what the heck do you use all the CC's for?
in my scenario, my piano sustain pedal is plugged into one of the pedal options and is assigned to the hold function on the reverb for every preset I play with. Won't be used super often, but when I want to it will be right there with a sustain pedal and that just feels right lol.

Joe, I can't imagine using that many controls. I mean, maaayyyybe I could imagine a way to use that many switches but what the heck do you use all the CC's for?
In order, L to R:
Main Volume (tuna on heel down)
Expression #2
Expression #4

On the FM9 board:
F/M compensation
Delay wetness

Mostly use #4 for sliding from one song section to another, as I rarely need more than 3 sounds in a song. I set it up so it has three ranges - toe up, middle, and toe down. Toe down is the solo sound, generally. Quite frequently, in addition to poking at the amp sound, #4 also makes effects appear/disappear. All you have to do to get the expression pedal to control more than one thing at a time is to assign it to more than one modifier....
I have a Freqout sitting in my III’s rack (in a loop) that I activate with a momentary switch plugged into one of the jacks. On presets I‘m not using the Freqout I’ll attach it to anything and use it like a normal momentary switch, just turning an effect on for a few seconds and taking my foot back off when I’m done. You can also turn the whammy into a Ricochet with one.
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