What are you reading right now?

Working on volume 3 of Ian Toll’s pacific war trilogy, Twilight of the Gods (having finished the first two installments—Pacific Crucible and The Conquering Tide). All 3 are fantastic accounts of the war in the Pacific. I knew so little of this topic, as the European theater gets so much more coverage—understandable, to some degree. Highly recommended.
I'm always in the middle of several things; it includes "The History of Middle Earth" by Christopher Tolkien, which is fascinating but a bit of a slow read, somewhat like The Silmarillion. I'm also reading the Shades of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab. It's a lighter read than Tolkien history, but I'm enjoying the story and characters thus far. I've finally put the money down, collected all the Malazan books, and will (re)start them after I finish Shades of Magic. I had read(listened) to the first book and enjoyed it, so I'm looking forward to diving headfirst into a months-long reading binge.

Some books that others mentioned I've enjoyed: Geddy Lee's "My Effin' Life", the Dark Tower series (I'm stuck in the Waste Lands and need to restart), and Spin (Robert Charles Wilson). I need to restart that series; I didn't realize he had released a third book. I also loved Tom Clancy back in the day, although the quality fell off quite a bit in his later years.
The Way I Heard It by Mike Rowe on audiobook because...it's Mike Rowe. How could you not listen to Mike Rowe narrate his own book because, that's the voice you're gonna hear in your head as you read it, anyway.
Not sure how I git here but I'm reading two really pessimistic books at the same time :|
"How high we go in the dark" and "the thousand earths"
whenever I find something too depressing I jump to the other book. can't wait to finish them and start something NOT like these two.
Managed to finish those two and started a new one "Black Leopard, Red Wolf"- found an amazing writer - I thought I share it here - Marlon James
If you like Marques style you'll like this guy too.
Refreshing after the previous two books :D
I just finished a historic novel about Scipio Africanus, only until his conquest of Carthago Nova.

At the same time I am reading “The Spanish Pioneers and the California Missionsby Charles Lummis.

Banderas Lejanas, a book about the Spanish exploration of North America in the XVI th century

Episodios Nacionales from Benito Pérez Galdós, the one about the 2nd of May and the rise of the people of Madrid against the French invasion in the early XIX th century.

I almost exclusively read history these days.
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