Whammy and Wah-Wah bypass adjust?



I want ask if someone can help me ,for that setup to expression pedal work in this way. Okey I need that whammy and wah-wah ,working style when I chance preset that whammy and wah-wah will be bypass and when I hit my expression pedal then they will come alive. And when I take my foot off my expression pedal ,that whammy and wah-wah will become bypass. Is there some settings for that? And second question is ,where is that new 12.03 firmware whammy setting for poly or mono?
1st: Set the respective modifier to "auto engage" (manual 7.2.4)
2nd: Front panel -> Pitch block -> whammy -> page 2 -> tracking mode
Go to the wah block
Open the modifier attached to the controller
Go to autoengage
Set the value to another than none

The different settings are descripted here:

Added speed (SPD) vs. position (POS) options to Modifier Auto-Engage parameters. The SPD options engage the effect when the controller changes more than 5% in any 20 ms interval (as before). The POS options engage the effect when the controller value is 5% greater than or less than the Off Value (depending upon whether the Off Value is less than or greater than 50% respectively). For example, setting the Auto-Engage to SLOW SPD will bypass the effect when the controller value is less than, say, 5% (default). To engage the effect the controller (foot pedal) must be moved more than 5% in a 20 ms interval. This requires that the pedal be moved somewhat rapidly and prevents the effect from engaging erroneously if the pedal droops. Setting the Auto-Engage to SPD POS will bypass the effect in the same manner but the effect will engage when the controller exceeds 10% (5% + 5%) regardless of the rate of change

F.e. autoeng (slow/med/fast) POS / off value 5% (default)-> the pedal is off in heel position
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