Welcome DAVE MURRAY of IRON MAIDEN to the Fractal Audio Artist Roster

This is super cool. The other guitarist in one of my bands is right on the cusp of going the modeling route (after watching how much the sound guy loved me and how much better my FOH sound was at our last gig) and this kind of press helps.
For me, this is great news, a bit of history coming full circle with regards to my beloved JMP-1 preamps, now retired and emulated better than the JMP-1 itself in my FM3..

If I can ramble a bit more...
During the 90s, I used to play with Tony Parsons early Maiden, and once played with Paul Di'Anno at a pub in Walthamstow too. Still friends with Tony Parsons, he used to mod my 1978 Master Volume heads, and we all used JMP-1 preamps. Later when Les Binks joined we were a pretty good Maiden/Priest covers band, but used to do all sorts, Richie Faulkner played in the band too for a while in between me and a few others, heady days, but Maiden and that bad was the reason I stuck with my JMP-1 preamp all these years... until last year when I got an FM3, and the game changed forever. I've always used AxeFX 2's on sessions at studios in London, but so nice to have one of my own.

I once bought Adrian Smith's PRS guitar from a UK rep too, and it was pretty worn, think this was the time he was still doing his ASAP (Adrian Smith And Project) era, in between Maiden tours.

I'm glad so many high profile artists are switching over, I think Satch and Vai and people like that can't/don't want to make the switch due to endorsements etc, but to be honest, anyone who isn't using a Fractal modeller for touring is just wasting money on shipping, handling, lugging amps around, lol.
Awesome news! I'm in an Iron Maiden Tribute and cannot wait to get my hands on his settings. So interesting to see that he's going direct to front of house and then also to his old Marshall power amp and Marshall cabs. Would love to see the block map of that! I'd like to try that myself - 'cept with my JVM410H. And he's using the pre-amp section for both signal paths - fully replacing the JMP-1... Ballsy!


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Murray was the reason i wanted a strat !! Hendrix made me want i white Fender-one.. (i started with a white Hondo strat) :rolleyes:
I think it took 7 years to get one.
Murray was the reason i wanted a strat !! Hendrix made me want i white Fender-one.. (i started with a white Hondo strat) :rolleyes:
I think it took 7 years to get one.
Looks like a typical 60s strat from a distance - yup - but up close ...yikes😯
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Thank you!

Awesome video!

Plus, I can finally talk about this too as they have been road testing some brand new no-glare heavy duty prototype display protectors for Fractal floor units that I designed which I’m really excited to share soon. They also use some ZenRigs stuff on the rack units too.

Visiting them next week. More info soon 🙂

Patiently waiting, cant wait to try some of your new product for Fractal floors! (fm9 for me!)
Dave sounded great last night in Brum! Although sure it's practically impossible to gauge guitar sound with any accuracy with all the chaos of an arena performance. Always does cut through the best of the 3 on solos but mainly down to the neck pup!
Same here. The number of times I must have replayed the Rock in Rio dvd is insane. Before it came out, RTTHs live used to come on kerrang every now and then and I couldn't believe what I was seeing when it got on to the solo. Did a paper round for the biggest part of a year to get a cream Mexican fat strat I could mod up like Dave's ahh kids have it so easy these days... :p

Have a really good somewhere in time patch if you need it for the tour Dave 😁

Joking aside it's kind of strange when your hero's move to the gear youve been using for almost a decade. Particularly when you spent years gawping at their rigs!!!!

Great job Matt and team, can't wait to hear it in action in a couple of weeks
This is so awesome! Haha, I literally wore out my VHS of Live After Death. Also wore out a TEAC double tape deck from "rewind-stop-play" to learn the Somewhere In Time album. Just stupendously amazing.
Maybe for their Gift of Tone series hopefully, but I doubt they'd outright give it away unfortunately. :(
If I was famous and somebody enjoyed my tone I would be over the moon with happiness. I can't work out a single reason why he (or anybody famous) would not share a preset/patch. He (or any other famous person) would still be famous, they would still be where they are today, and from a personal point of view, they certainly would not be under any threat from the likes of me replacing them in whatever band they might be in. At the end of the day, is it not just some amp, FX, and cab settings?

In my youth, I used to watch a local band where the guitarist had one of the nicest tones that I have ever heard. He used an SG into a WEM Copycat into a Marshall head with a 4x12 cab. I can still remember the time I complimented him on his tone and he appeared to be blown away with what I had said to him. And he showed me his setup. He shared his settings with me probably 30 years plus before the word preset or patch was ever mentioned in guitar talk. I would have thought most guitarists would be thrilled to be told that they have a great sound. And want to share it. lol.
I think it’s different with Maiden. They’re not into the gear. Adrian Smith for example often talks about his guitars being ‘just tools’
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