Weird Scene Change Behavior


I'm working on getting my Liquid Foot controller setup. I set 4 switches to each send a CC message to switch to a given scene. I have the following issue:

- On presets with existing labeled scenes, it toggles to the labeled scenes before stopping on the one I selected.
- It doesn't do this on a preset without labeled scenes. It functions as expected. (although it will occasionally jump a little weird).

I keep thinking this has to be a setting issue in my LF, but I can't find anything that makes sense. Plus, if it's just sending redundant CC's, why would it be responding dynamically to what is in the III's scenes?

Any help is much appreciated. :)
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My Liquid Foot Settings (I think these are all the relevant ones):

Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 5.06.06 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 5.06.20 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 5.06.32 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 5.06.49 PM.png

I also forgot to mention firmware versions: LF+ 12: v5.11 (latest). Axe-fx III: 1.8.
Weird. I fought with the problem all evening, and then it suddenly disappeared. I had tried rebooting my PC, and every other suspect device. Nothing fixed it. I'd moved to working on something else and noticed the problem was gone. All I had done was change a preset name and push it to the LF. It seems like it was some kind of Liquid Foot bug. :neutral:
I have also a LF+, will try to replicate what you do next days and report here. Hope it's a random setting problem which you can find out soon.
I have also a LF+, will try to replicate what you do next days and report here. Hope it's a random setting problem which you can find out soon.

Thanks Semih. The issue disappeared, and so far it hasn't returned. It seems like it was a bug with the Liquid Foot editor. I changed a preset name and pushed the update to the LF and it was suddenly fixed. I even braved making further changes with the LF editor and didn't run into the issue again.

I wonder if pushing updates to the LF when it's outside of Editor Mode could have corrupted an update? I know it's -supposed- to work with all but global settings, but perhaps it's less than ideal?

In either case, the editor definitely isn't the most robust software I've ever used. Sometimes it's suddenly unable to connect to my LF. I have to reboot my PC to fix it.

I'm really starting to feel like I might need to keep a better eye out for when that FC waitlist is announced. I like my Liquid Foot, but sorely miss the Axe-Fx integration. I wish FAMC was a little more clear on their intentions for a III support update. I get the feeling that it could be years before an update actually surfaces.
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