Weird problem last night...anyone experience this?

The only way to really find out is to return to the restaurant with your rig and do a little sleuthing to see what's causing the issue.
but then why would it only happen to just the fractal unit?
That's actually common, as each piece of equipment has a different sensitivity, and each AC mains outlet has different ground issues. Always important to make sure that gear that is connected together is all run from the same AC mains outlet, and to have isolation transformers handy if that fails. I have an HE-2 just in case.

PM me some details about what gear was connected to what via what cables and I can help you figure it out. I have a lot of experience with this sort of thing.
That's actually common, as each piece of equipment has a different sensitivity, and each AC mains outlet has different ground issues. Always important to make sure that gear that is connected together is all run from the same AC mains outlet, and to have isolation transformers handy if that fails. I have an HE-2 just in case.

PM me some details about what gear was connected to what via what cables and I can help you figure it out. I have a lot of experience with this sort of thing.
What is an HE-2?
Besides pubs and restaurants , churches are known for having "hum issues" too.
Some of them are historic and the wiring hasn't been updated.
Others have so much lighting, that hasn't been set up with an architectural dimmers.
I carry a hum eliminator in my gig bag.
But my FM9 hasn't any issues with AC / electrical grounding issues at the few churches I've played at.
That's actually common, as each piece of equipment has a different sensitivity, and each AC mains outlet has different ground issues. Always important to make sure that gear that is connected together is all run from the same AC mains outlet, and to have isolation transformers handy if that fails. I have an HE-2 just in case.

PM me some details about what gear was connected to what via what cables and I can help you figure it out. I have a lot of experience with this sort of thing.
Gotcha. So I'm assuming that's more than just lifting ground with the switches on the FM9...I didn't have time to do much troubleshooting and was caught without a cable to run to the same outlet as the PA. It probably was a separate circuit. I should have disconnected the XLR cable going to the board. I had a couple of drinks in me already too, so that wasn't helping LOL.
No, and I don't know if the other outlets were on the same circuit/breaker. Outlet I was on had a xmas tree plugged into it, and I unplugged the change. I'm not sure what was behind us, but from the adjacent restroom there was a loud sort of oscillating hum coming from the other side of the shared wall. It got down to start time and cranking the gates took care of it, so I accepted the weird input situation and went on with the gig. Guitar was mushy and didn't sound as great as it normally does, but I got through the gig. I have a Furman M-8x2...never had a problem like this, so maybe I need to invest in a better conditioner with a voltage meter?
Another thing to consider is if the plug itself is wired correctly! I know it doesn't happen often but there is the possibility. I carry an outlet tester just to know that what I'm starting with is not wired wrong.

I have come across it a few times in the past where the hot and common or common and ground were revered. I realize that shouldn't make a difference on a device that has a universal power supply but on equipment that doesn't it will wreak havoc or instantly destroy it.

FWIW I still think your issue is with EMI that the guitar is picking up.
Another good tip. I haven't had to worry about this stuff because the band I've played with for so many years has a guy that can run this kinda stuff down fast. That said, I'm playing more often with others that aren't as good at it, and so I need to learn. FWIW this was the first time I've had this in a long time, if at all, and it's not very likely I'll play there again. Nevertheless, thanks for the advice...plan to get my AC tester into my bag, and i have a hum eliminator on the way. And yes I think EMI is likely, as I could stand a particular way and the noise went away. I'm still perplexed about why the input meter was redlining.
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