Weird phasing issues with my guitar input into Reaper


Fractal Fanatic
Weird doubling sound through monitors in Reaper

Something seems to have recently changed with my Axe setup, and now using my usual template in Reaper, guitar signal in my monitors sounds strange (sort of doubling effect with pronounced low end). I'm not sure whether this is a phasing issue or not, but something is not right with my setup.

In Reaper, my usual input track setup is Input: Mono -> Left (Axe-FX II). My current Axe I/O settings are as follows:
Input 1 Mode: Left Only
Output 1 Mode: Copy L->R

I recently set up my Axe differently to usual. I used to have my Axe going into my Mac via USB and out to my monitors. Lately, in order to be able to jam along with iTunes et. al. I am now running my Mac's output back into my Axe and sending to my monitors via Output 1(L/R). Could this be causing the doubling effect? If so, how should I set this all up?

To summarise, I am trying to do this:

Guitar into Axe via Input 1 (Front)
Axe send to Mac via USB (Mono signal)
Mac return to Axe via USB
Axe send to monitors L & R (stereo)

In Reaper, I want the guitar signal to be in mono but centred. Currently, I only get the correct sound in my monitors at input if I select Input: Mono -> Front Center (Axe-FX II) but what happens then is that the recorded signal is a bypassed sound (like hitting bypass button on the Axe).
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OK, I've just determined that I can eliminate this doubling by turning the monitor button off on my guitar track in Reaper. I guess my Axe setup is OK for recording after all. Recorded signal sounds fine.
Yes, if you're dual-monitoring (Axe-Fx Out + software-monitoring), you'll get doubling and phasing because of the latency differences.
Yes, if you're dual-monitoring (Axe-Fx Out + software-monitoring), you'll get doubling and phasing because of the latency differences.

I see. I notice also that the input slider in Reaper no longer controls my input signal and I have to do that now with the front volume control on my Axe. I'm OK with that though. It's a bit of a juggling act because that's also controlling my monitor output volume.
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