Weird MFC Problem


A while back, I noticed that the "Up" button was not working. Luckily, this seemed to fix itself after a few days.

Now, however, the problem seems to have spread. The middle two rows of the MFC are not responding at all. No lights display and the Axe does not receive any input from these rows. The top and bottom rows work fine. Strangely, in one or two menus in Edit mode, the left and right buttons start working again.

I originally thought that this was probably an issue with the cable. I tried making sure the cable was not tangled at all, since I heard that midi cables are very sensitive. No dice. I do not currently have another cable to try.

Anything else it could be?
Wow, I honestly have not even a clue how to help you here, sorry. Maybe some pro will help you out here?
This ended up being a very simple fix. I contacted Fractal and they suggested that the ribbon connector for the second row had become loose. Sure enough, it was completely unattached when I opened up the unit. Popped it back into place and now everything is working swimmingly.
Used to have similar problems with my Line 6 FBV floorboard.

Took it apart and put a blob of hot-glue on all the ribbon connectors, doesn't leave any marks and can be removed if needed. Gigged 10 years with it not a problem since.
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