[WARNING: BITCHING INSIDE] - FW 10 ruined my sexual life....

... Cliff, you will hear from my lawyer :-O

thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou, Cliff :-D
Wait. You're thanking Cliff for ruining your sex life? Dude... Not sure what you're sleeping with, but my sincerest condolences if this is indeed the case.
Me too.

I can't get it up because I can't put my guitar down. :mrgreen
You need a real lesson in RockStar101. The guitar should always be involved in all sexual acts, never without. Plectrums, cables, etc are all "accessories" in the mix. Having a betty on her knees smiling like a donut whilst practising the locrian or sorting through some awesome modes is just part of reality.

Enjoy it.
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