Wah Problem


I have a Mission EP1 running in conjunction with a GCP that when it's in the toe position it's not registering as being completely through the full sweep on my Axe Ultra. I tried calibrating it but nothing seems to change. The heel position goes all the way to 0, though. Has anyone else ran into this problem?
I had issues when I used an EB pedal. You can check the calibration of the pedal in the GCP and how its reading the sweep. It should be reading heel 0 - toe 127. Not sure of the GCP menu's anymore, but should be in the manual
that would help eliminate if its the pedal, gcp or axe. Could also potentially be a midi cable or cable issue between GCP/Mission pedal.
From what I've read, there's no way to calibrate the GCP itself. That said, my sweep on the GCP is only reading from 0-112
right, there isnt a 'calibration' per say, but you can see (as you did) what range the gcp is reading. If the GCP is only reading to 112, that could be indicative of something else going on. Maybe the cables between the GCP/MP is sending odd information.....I know with my Mission pedals, I need a TRS type cable....is it possible an incorrect cable is being used and that is messing with the information the GCP is receiving?

When you say that the toe down doesnt reach the full range of the axe, but the heel down does.....I'm assuming the 'taper' in the axe screen is still the 0/50/100 type incline?
I have a mission ep and gcp aswell. Its going the whole sweep (1 to 127). You do indeed trs cable indeed.
Have you tried the second port? Has it the same problem? I like the misson, works fine!
that is a great point, if you have multiple pedals/cables, I would try swapping around and rechecking the readings in the GCP, to see if both exp pedal ports are reading similar readings or if different port/cable/pedal reads something different. I dont think its an Axe FX issue, any issues I've had have been pedal related.
Had the same readings in pedal 1 and 2. I went ahead and ordered a new TRS cable to see if that alleviates the problem. Stay tuned...
Have you tried using a multimeter to measure the resistance of the pot at heel and toe positions? You can figure out if they match up with manufacture specs to confirm it's the pedal.
I don't have a GCP or ultra, but all 3 of my mission pedals go from 0-116. That is used as the calibration data on the MFC I have. The axe however does see the full range.
Well then that makes sense. If I really step on the toe I can probably get it to 116. It has some rubber stoppers underneath which seem to prohibit it moving all the way to the full toe position.
I've never had any expression pedal output 0-127. Some have gone as high as 106, others to 113 or so.

If the GCP can't calibrate this, it's a shortfall of the GCP, not anything else. It's expecting to get a full 127.
I just tested mine again, and it really goes from 0 to 127. I looked in the manual of gcp, and they say "its just an indication" the pedal works. If the numbers move, they are send out. As others report here their pedals also have lower range it might be not a big deal?

I think you can set the preset in the axe to correspond with pedal up is lowest possible setting and pedal down is highest setting (between 110 and 127 on gcp). Thus in the axe and in person you'll make full sweep, but on gcp its just a lower range. But who cares? The only thing i can think of it might sweep just a little faster?
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