Wah ... how can I do this?


I use a fractal audio expression pedal to control volume and wah, using pedal input 2

If I have Wah in scene 4 of a preset, when I'm in scene 1 of the same preset with no wah activated in that scene the wah comes on automatically

This makes it so I have to put the wah in a preset of its own and ensure no wah is in the other presets where I don't want the wah to activate automatically, so I can't kick the wah on in one scene and have the expression pedal control just the volume in another.

Is there a way to have wah in one scene and only activate when that scene is active and not activate in the other scenes and have the expression pedal control volume in the other scenes, or do I need to have two separate dedicated expression pedals?
Sorry for not grasping this right away , but the description in the solution didnt help me. Any visual so I can
see the setup? Many Thanks.
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