Voodoo Labs and Axe-fx problem


New Member
Hey Everyone,
So I have 2 unique problems here. I'm trying to power my GCP through the Axe. I know to do this I need to stick the power supply for the GCP into the back of the Axe and then have a 7-pin midi cable. The thing I'm curious about is when I do this and the Axe is turned off, power is still being transmitted through the midi and my GCP will be powered on while the Axe is turned off. From the video's I've seen, it looks like when the Axe is turned off no power should be going through the midi cable to my GCP. Any thoughts?

The second problem is similar. When I have the GCp power supply plugged into the back of my Axe and I turn on the Axe. The Axe will freeze during start up. Anyone run into these problem before of have a solution? I have the latest firmware, 10.3, for the Axe. Not sure what the GCP is at
I use a Furman power supply in my rack and leave all the switches on all the gear on... Then use the Furman master switch to power up..... works for me.

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