Volume jump when switching delay channels


I'm having an issue when I switch channels in a Delay block. It seems to have started with firmware 4.00, though I'm not sure.

When I switch Delay channels, I get a huge level/gain increase for about 1 second and then it returns to normal. It is visible on the level meters. It seems to happen when going from a mono delay to a stereo delay and not from mono to mono delay. For example, it's happening going from DM-Two to the 2290 w/mod, but not DM-Two to Mono Tape.

I'm running the FM9 in 4cm with a Mesa Electra Dyne and have Output 1 set to stereo. According to the manual, this is an acceptable method for mono setups, as long as you don't use any effects with L/R panning, etc.

As mentioned, I haven't had this issue in the past and it might have started with 4.00, but as I don't always use this particular channel-switching delay, I'm not sure exactly when it started.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas would be helpful, thanks!
Sure, I’ll post it later, when I can, thanks.

So, experimenting a bit now and making a new preset from scratch, it’s actually only happening when switching from the DM-Two to most of the other delays, and not just stereo ones.

For example, it happens switching from DM-Two to Analog Mono, as well as most of the first 10 delay types. But it doesn’t happen when switching to Mono Tape or Reverse Delay.

It’s only happening when switching from DM-Two, not any others, from what I’ve tried so far.

It’s a roughly 10 dB increase that lasts about 1 second.

Thanks again.
Any ideas without seeing the preset?

I made one from scratch that has nothing but a Delay block, and it's still happening.

Could it be a bug?
No Input/Output blocks?

The Office Reaction GIF
So this is not a bug and is DM-Two related. Cliff has explained it here.
I'm very curious about this but looks like that link is broken for me,

I noticed a huge volume jump when switching scenes at practice last night, but turns out that the block I had added in parallel on the fly was changing channels to a default setup for series. Soon as I noticed that, problem solved
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