Vito Bratta Tribute


I think Vito Bratta was one of the greatest guitar player of his era and he was so underestimate. So was his guitar tone. I think his guitar solo for When the children cry is one of his best. Not hard to play, not a lot of notes, but so melodic, each note was meant to be there, a great melody. Now, I tried to nail that tone with the Axe fx and I think I'm in the ball park, but you guys and girls will be the judges. I recorded two acoustic guitars pan left and right and one track for the solo in Cubase, that's it! Axe record direct. I use the brit 800 amp sim with a t808 overdrive sim in front. A 250 ms delay, very subbtle and a large room reverb, about 40% wet, a lot of reverb just like the original!! The cab is a redwirez, I don't know witch one, sorry!!! No post eq or anything, just some db limiting on the final mix. The guitar I used for this one is a Musicman Axis. Enjoy, this is my tribute to Vito!! Comments are always welcome!! Thanks!!
Beautiful. Nailed it! Well done sir!!

Vito's guitar playing always makes me smile - I remember seeing White Lion here in the UK, playing with Skid Row and Motley Crue, a loooong time ago, but I remember it like yesterday. Vito played like a god and had a live tone to die for, unlike Motely Crue...!

I'd love to hear that man play again.
Thanks Griffin!! You're right!! Vito's tone was always great whatever amp he was playing, must be in his fingers. I read somewhere the guy is not involve in the music industry anymore, he kind of dissappear!! So sad, he was the logic succesor of Eddie, he borrowed some of his tricks and take them further!!
Nailed it. You also do his vibrato, which is very unique and very good. Vito had incredible vibrato. It's subtle on this solo, but you got it down. Kudos.

Well done!!
Sounds great!

Can't agree with you more about Vito's tone and playing. Always thought he sounded like Eddie, even looked like Eddie, but with his own unique style. One of my favorite songs from White Lion was their cover of Radar Love. Vito had some tastey riffs on that.

Good stuff man, keep 'em coming!
sounded good!
i read an interview he said he hurt his hand trying to play classical and he stayed home to take care of his terminally ill mother. i don't know if it's true or not, i saw it on wikipedia or something.mike tramp had white lion on tour without vito and it just isn't the same, although he did call it tramp's white lion and didn't hide the fact that vito wasn't with him anymore.
sounded good!
i read an interview he said he hurt his hand trying to play classical and he stayed home to take care of his terminally ill mother. i don't know if it's true or not, i saw it on wikipedia or something.

The original source for this information was probably from the Guitar World "Then and Now" piece on Vito some years back. It had similar information... at the time it sounded like he had made a mess of his hands. I'd heard some hearsay on the net later that he had recovered quite a bit from the point of the GW piece and he was playing some again. Haven't seen much credible info, otherwise, though.
Vito is still around. I don't think he's in the music biz any longer. I grew up in Staten Island. He played in a local band called Storm and a cover band called Dreamer in the early 80's. When I was still living there I used to see him all the time in stores. He used to be a fixture at L'amours in Brooklyn. He did do some interviews recently. I think they can be found on the internet.
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