Virtual capo


I accidentally stumbled on a YT video for the virtual capo but does anyone else feel like there is a bit of latency and stutter from this effect. I suppose it’s a hard effect to offer without the latency( it is very minor)
Can I ask what type of music you are playing? I have a preset that I posted on another thread that uses the Virtual Capo of -6, switches to -1, and then standard, depending on Scene selection, and it also has a harmonizer in it as well. I think it actually sounds VERY good, and would put it on par with the Helix. Is there a chance you are actually hearing your actual guitar? I did a rehearsal where I could actually hear/feel my guitar, which was tuned in standard, and it screwed my mind up a few times. I actually had to sit there and train my brain to separate the's weird, but it worked for me. Seriously, consider that, unless you are doing some crazy chord voicings? Which again, I was playing High Landrons by EJ, and it sounded great with the virtual capo as well.
I am playing the song Go your own way by fleetwood Mac I have a bit of drive and reverb on it as well and the volume up enough so that I can’t hear my guitar The effect is good but playing the intro which is staccato I notice the latency the most
Yeah, it’s not quite there yet. I thought I saw somewhere they were working on it...
I’ll use it occasionally for a practice session or in a pinch. That’s about it for now. I don’t get the stutter but the latency kills the feel for me. I see great reviews on the FXIII version tho. Hopefully we’ll get the trickledown sometime soon.
Nah, it’s there. If it works for you that’s cool. They’re working on it.

I really think you are hearing your REAL guitar...
This is pretty much it. More like FEELING it tho. When you hit a note there is a noticeable delay before it hits your ear. Not saying there’s a lot (op also says it’s minor) But definitely noticeable. It sounds great. But kills the feel (for me).
They stated in another thread
no promises but they had successfully ported the pitch detection algo to their test unit
according to Fas that is the hardest
part , since they are already working on the new drive block and Ultra res cabs and w Cygnus on the horizon it may be a while but it did sound promising
Seriously I'm not understanding what this latency is you're talking about. I really think you are hearing your REAL guitar...I'm telling you, you will hear it even with headphones on and even playing live on stage unless you have a monitor cranked right at you. My hearing is not the greatest, but I can tell. I can also feel it in my body, and I'm betting that is what you are dealing with. I've had many drop tune pedals, and variations of modelers. They are all very similar. Honestly, the FM3 does an excellent job. Maybe it is because I've been using these for doing the 'virtual capo' for so long that I've trained myself to deal with it?
No, there is latency. Maybe some cant hear it or care about it. No comparison to my Digitech Drop.
The FM3 virtual capo latency doesn't compare well with other top tier modelers, but the AxeFX III version is best of class. This topic comes up a lot on the forum, so you know FAS will do whatever they can to try to port the AxeFX III virtual capo to the FM3.

What this guy said!!!!! Emphasis on the Axe FX III virtual capo being best in class!

For what it's worth, I did recently stop bringing my digitech drop to practice and just use the virtual capo on the FM3 for the lone song I need it for. I am only going down a single step, but with the detector set to input 1, pitch tracking set to poly and tracking on 3, I feel like the latency is just a hair better then the digitech drop. I do feel however that if I am doing really fast picking like one of the other posters pointed out, the FM3 is much less consistent then the drop
I'm crossing my fingers for the pitch block on the fm3. I'm a bassist in a folk band and really want to see if I can pull off using a pitched down guitar for a couple songs where solos are available (turn off VC and shred \m/)
Nah, it’s there. If it works for you that’s cool. They’re working on it.

This is pretty much it. More like FEELING it tho. When you hit a note there is a noticeable delay before it hits your ear. Not saying there’s a lot (op also says it’s minor) But definitely noticeable. It sounds great. But kills the feel (for me).
I agree the latency is there and I think the virtual capo affects the tone of your preset
Try bypassing all the effects except amp/pitch/cab. Could be your reverb? Also, Where in the signal chain is the pitch block? And, is it possible you have a delay set on the pitch? I played some pretty heavy stuff even with drop c for some Dream Theater... One other thing...Even if you have the output cranked, you will still inadvertently hear your actual guitar, no joke. I've heard it during live rehearsals and it really messed me up. Sort of like a singer that has a powerful voice, playing live.
The virtual capo is at the beginning of the effects chain
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