Video: How to set your Preset Levels for Studio & Stage


Fractal Fanatic
Hi everyone:

This video has been on my to-do list for some time to complete. I find some newer Fractal users don't follow these useful guidelines when dialing in sounds, and then express unhappiness about their self-designed preset levels or tone when playing live, for example. We sure don't want any of that!

The full 16 minute version is below. Just took that amount of time to go over and demonstrate concepts and provide examples, even after editing; forgive all the jumpy editing -- it would have been even longer with out the cuts. Ironically, my video tutorial on programming a killer Jim '67 London preset on the Axe-Fx was also 16 minutes -- TED Talk lengths I guess!)

My hope is this will really help you set your own presets levels great for both DAW recording and for live stage use. This is all the same methodology I used in making the 700+ Naked Amps TonePack and leveling all those preset tones consistently for playback.

Enjoy, and I'll try to answer any other questions you might have.
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