VIDEO: Compression for more gain 2

Well, yes you are right and I agree with you. In my band, we have our own system and sound guy to run it, and he does run stereo. Our rooms are not giant, and in most cases are smaller clubs or something like a wedding or a corporate party. If we are doing something funk or straight rock like a 70's disco song, Chilli Peppers or something like The Killers or AC/DC or whatever... then I'm 100% with you. I keep it pretty basic and "narrow" and even dry for probably 90% of what I do.

But I do play a number of songs where there is something to be gained for the audience from that special effect. More ambient spacey sounds for an extended intro, or something like a U2 or Pink Floyd or whatever. I have gone out onto the floor, and it makes a big difference in the feel of some material when you have that width, or the effect of 2 guitars going on, or some ping pong or whatever. As a 3 piece, tightness, sonic control, and shape are everything to us.

Have you ever seen Kings X live? Man, Ty Tabor runs this insane W/D/W guitar rig, and his sound is just massive like nothing I have ever heard. It's literally one of the best things I've ever heard in my life (it was at a small club in Sacramento that I saw them, years ago, and it left me with an impression that will never die. I was totally sober too for the record.) I've seen the same thing with other local artists like Mike Gregory (an ex Nashville studio guy I used to know who is a MONSTER player) and Frank Hannon (Tesla guitar player, local Sac guy who does whup-ass 70's rock cover gigs with his side project.) Those guys all run stereo setups, and I'm telling you, their's is the sound I chase.

I'm a huge Satriani Fan. I've seen him in area's (Concord Pavilion, Arco Arena) and at medium clubs like The Filmore and Casino's in Reno. I've even seen him at Guitar Center doing a clinic. He runs a stereo rig, but it's not wide. It's right down the center and in your face, like you speak of. I think it can be done both ways. I do think getting the sound right in a big stereo field can be much harder to accomplish, and there is a ton of merit to what you are talking about. But when I have heard it done right... to me there is nothing like it. Material choice is a huge factor I think.

I am curious to check out that Edison device... you caught my interest with that.

No doubt, stereo is definitely way cooler! Like I say, for my bigger shows in Europe, we run that stuff and you'll usually find me with at the least, 4 Marshall cabs at any given time. For the right room and situation, it's awesome. Heck, even for the wrong room, it's still awesome. I actually miss my stereo feed for some of the smaller rooms I deal with in my cover band. But the difference there is, when I go overseas and do the DD original project, I got guys that handle all that. LOL! When I do the cover thing, it's me and my girl lugging all the gear. LOL! So we want as little gear moving as possible. My stripped down show is one Marshall slant cab with 25 watt greenback's, my MFC, two purple mission control pedals, and a 5 space rack with my power conditioner, wireless, AxeFx and a power amp.

Yeah the Edison is a neat little box. It just enhances anything that is in it an almost 3-D effect. Cool, but you have to be careful with it. :)
Bumping this. Finally got to watching this. VERY helpful Danny. Thank you! Never realized the power of that compression block. Once again you made suggestions that were understandable, actionable, useful, and, most of all work even for the intermediate user!
Bumping this. Finally got to watching this. VERY helpful Danny. Thank you! Never realized the power of that compression block. Once again you made suggestions that were understandable, actionable, useful, and, most of all work even for the intermediate user!

Ah I love hearing stuff like this. Glad it was useful for you TLR, thanks for that!
Hi Danny! Long time sense i have visited the sight:; awesome vids. I believe we had a discussion on this subject some time back' gettin too old to remember 'LOL. We talked about how a little effect ' without being too over the top can go a long way. Compression was my interest at the time,and you gave some excellent information. Anyway keep up the good work, and thanks again. Here I go editing again; I wanted to mention that I ran into a pretty interesting item on the axe with the use of the Ideal setting. This setting takes the unit to a whole nother level, I've been meaning to look into this setting further, but haven't had the time' maybe someone can elaborate.
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Hi Danny! Long time sense i have visited the sight:; awesome vids. I believe we had a discussion on this subject some time back' gettin too old to remember 'LOL. We talked about how a little effect ' without being too over the top can go a long way. Compression was my interest at the time,and you gave some excellent information. Anyway keep up the good work, and thanks again.

Wow thanks for that, Walt. That was really nice of you to say.I can't believe the kindness I've been receiving from the people on this forum. It really is appreciated.

Yeah sometimes subtlety is the key, other times go more extreme. It all depends on what you're going for really. I have this reverb setting on my patches that is so subtle, you can barely tell it's on. But turn it off and you know something happened.

Compression of course is a little different because it has so many variables. A compression setting that I may use may not work for anyone else due to quite a few things. Pup output, how hard you pick/pull, how much low end used, how much all walks hand in hand with compression.

I always kinda looked at it as "the intimate effect" because you need to dial it in just right if you want to totally exercise the benefits it has to.offer.

Sort of like a woman. Push them.too hard, they fall apart. Take care of them just the right way and they more than take care of you. :)
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