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V8.01 slow instrumental track


Not my best soloing but i tried doing it after i wrote the rhythm section. I still don't mess around with drums. If you would like to add some drums and be apart of this song (if you like it enough :D ) i'll send ya the track itself. I don't like the lead tone. It sounded good while recording, after i extracted the .mp3 it sounded all fuzzy, crunchy and all nasty (I need a better lead tone). Anyways, enjoy guys.

P.S. I have a version where there is no solo, just click on my soundcloud username. If you like I can send you that version to improv to as a backing track :D

Really?! I'm glad to hear that man, thanks :) I'm still curious to see if anyone would be interesting or would like to do a solo over it. I don't really like mine mainly because of the tone :(
Pretty good!
IMHO the lead level is a little bit too low compared to the rhythm part.
What preset did you use for the rhythm?
Thanks man! I mixed this with senheisers mixing (however you spell it) headset. I don't have good recording tools lol I kind of intended to have it that way because i really dislike the tone of it, I used a random (buttery amp model) patch i made with tubescreamer in the lines. Not to mention i was using a guitar with active EMG's LOL biggest no no on my part
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