V13 high gain metal tones: Dizzy ch3, Herbie Ch3 Recto2 mdrn

Hey all, just made some tone videos with preset downloads for some metal stuff, A bit new at using the screen capture software but if you like em, grab em! My website is very new but I hope it helps others and helps me learn better recording myself.

All of these use stock cabs, only tried them out for recording.. not for my rig yet.


Dizzy Ch3
Axe Fx 2 Dizzy Vh4 Stock Cabs (Preset Download) - YouTube

Herbie Ch3
Metal Axe Fx 2 Diezel Herbert Stock Cabs (Preset Download) - YouTube

Recto2 mdrn
Axe Fx Recto2 Red Mdrn Stock Cabs (Preset Downlaod) - YouTube
dang, those sound great!
the mastered audio makes such a huge difference.
I'm also using Cubase 7.5
What are your mastering settings? (if I may ask)
Thanks a ton... quite honestly the mastering chain is a bit complex (and just the one I used on my album) and I hope to make a video of it and other mastering chains in the next week or 2. But basically I use t-racks 3 for the linear phase eq and pulltech eq it has (first to roll off below 30ish hz, and give a slight 1 db or so rise to the highs and a very very slight bump in the mids). The pulltech enhances the kick bass area and the air highs. I then run it through a waves linear phase mb limiter, a few compressors and 2 more limiters ;). Hahaha I need to refine my mastering chain in general, but I will make some videos on them.
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