V10 with 4CM and real amp

Hi guys, has anyone tested V10 with an amp using 4CM. Is there a reason why I should upgrade? Will the preamp portion that I use for certain setups sound different?
I LOVE my current setup running 4CM in a Lonestar and it took quite some time to build spot on presets that I use in 4CM and am a bit afraid I might ruin it with an upgrade... Any advise is welcome!


Hi guys, has anyone tested V10 with an amp using 4CM. Is there a reason why I should upgrade? Will the preamp portion that I use for certain setups sound different?
I LOVE my current setup running 4CM in a Lonestar and it took quite some time to build spot on presets that I use in 4CM and am a bit afraid I might ruin it with an upgrade... Any advise is welcome!



The sound has directly changed. Now the amps are pretty much the replicas of all the real amps.
A lot of changes have taken place. If you're in to try the biggest Fractal update go ahead but your current set-up
will sound quiet different.
I still use my two Mesa/Boogie StudioPreamps in 4CM Axe-Setups - one is converted/revoiced into a dumble type of preamp (not a clone d-style, more of an "in the style of"-Revoicing. The very funny part is - the new ODS100 in the AxeFx reacts very much the same...... I couldn't tell which one is the "tube version" - I'm absolutely amazed how good V10 sounds. The V10 Firmware is a game changer in guitar amp modeling history.....
Why not make sure you have everything backed up that you have now to a computer. Then do the upgrade and try it, if you have the backups you can always then rollback to what you have now.
Hi guys, I was too curious and tempted so I just did it. Firmware 10. Here's my first impressions: as so many people said, the amps sound much more differentiated - especially high gain amps. I LOVE the Bogner Xtasy's with my Lonestar Poweramp and Cab. AWSOME. However, the Lonestar preamp in the Axe does not match the preamp in the combo AT ALL. Don't know why. I A/B'd them and it's miles away. I don't really care about that, but it's a fact... Another impression: I tried out the new factory presets through my monitors (Event 20/20's) and I can't say I am impressed with all what I heard. Some presets sounded much more present some much more sterile... probably something to get used to. However: 4CM with my lonestar beats Axe direct to studio monitors by a thousand times. Even more with V10. So I'm still happy.
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