Using the Matrix for IR's


I finally purchased the Matrix GT1000fx and I tried making couple of IR's with my favorite Scumback speaker and it sounds incredible!
I used my TG 2 preamps and SSL eq and compressor and compared it to the real set up I can't tell the difference!
Now I can record my Axe Fx DI which saves me a lot of time setting up my SM 57, R 121 and U 87ai mic combo which I use for almost all my recordings!
With the new Fractal Bot I can easily export the IR's and share them!
Awesome man, I've not heard a really great scumback IR yet so I'm really hoping that you do share it :D
Awesome man, I've not heard a really great scumback IR yet so I'm really hoping that you do share it :D

I will as soon as I get it the way I like it. The one I made sounds good but it was done quickly because I was pressed for time.
It has a slight phase issue when I combine both SM 57 and R121 so I have to align both mics.
The way I do it is by recording quick guitar chord and look at the waveform on my DAW and move the mic until they're in phase so when you mix both 57 and 121 IR's they will be I'm perfect phase.
If you can listen with good isolated cans, you can start with the polarity flipped on just one mic, then playback noise or a sine wave and move the mics until they cancel as much as possible. Flip the polarity of the one mic back to normal and they will be locked in phase.

For me, using my ears like this, gets tighter to in phase than my DAW plugs show.
If you can listen with good isolated cans, you can start with the polarity flipped on just one mic, then playback noise or a sine wave and move the mics until they cancel as much as possible. Flip the polarity of the one mic back to normal and they will be locked in phase.

For me, using my ears like this, gets tighter to in phase than my DAW plugs show.

Great tip! I tried it by using the noise from the a amp but my cans are not well isolated.
But I have some 2 driver custom made in ear monitors, perhaps that could work.
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