Using Scenes and Looper - Any advice on how to approach this?

The looper functions are controlled by CC messages. You can assign any CC message to any IA switch and you can change which CC controls which function.
That means you can "move" looper functions the same way you would move, say, your drive on/off switch.

I do not have an MFC so I don't know if the 2nd reveal page is simply more IAs (this is what I would expect) or if it's a dedicated looper control. I would assume you can change the function of each switch on each reveal page.
The looper functions are controlled by CC messages. You can assign any CC message to any IA switch and you can change which CC controls which function.
That means you can "move" looper functions the same way you would move, say, your drive on/off switch.

I do not have an MFC so I don't know if the 2nd reveal page is simply more IAs (this is what I would expect) or if it's a dedicated looper control. I would assume you can change the function of each switch on each reveal page.

I was trying to change the positioning of the looper buttons but was unable to. Upon further investigation (ie RTFM: FOUND HERE-LOOPER CONTROL) I found out that the Looper control switches are hardwired and can not be moved. Just FYI. However, I would guess we could ADD switches to perform looper actions by using the CC#, but I don't see the purpose of why you would want to do that.
Yes. Otherwise you will have to hit the reveal button a couple times to go back and forth.

Guys, I'm looking at the MFC looper control mode pdf, and if I understand this correctly: if you want to use scenes and the looper, but you want to minimize having the hit the reveal button, your only option is the assign scenes to the unused IA's on the looper reveal page? In other words, you can only use IA's 9,12,13,14,15 & 16?

I don't think you can assign things to the unused IAs on the looper mode. Maybe in the future.
slipperypick or anyone did you find an answer to to moving the looper functions?
I really want to change scenes and rec and play looper all on the same reveal page
Looper functions are not movable. I use the mfc switch extension (up/down scene) when using the looper in reveal mode.

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