Using AX8 to send MIDI commands to a digital mixer to turn on/off delay.


I'm trying to figure out how to make my AX8 send a MIDI command to a digital mixer to turn on/off vocal delay. I would like to configure it on a switch within a preset. I'm using a MIDI to USB interface cable. Has anyone tried this? I can't get the AX* to send a message to the mixer so it can "learn". Some pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Can I ask how you did this as I’m trying to send messages to omnisphere and having no joy ? Ta
My first issue was that my mixer was not seeing MIDI from the AX8. I resolved that issue. Now the mixer can "learn" MIDI messages from the AX8. I just set a PC # in scene 1 & 2 and set a footswitch to toggle scene 1/2. My goal was to activate and deactivate a stereo delay on my mixer. It's working fine.
I'm not clear what you mean by "through". The config is MIDI to USB interface connected to USB port on digital mixer.
Hi thanks I’m trying to control parameters within omnisphere via midi from the Ax8 programme changes
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