Using a Boss Volume Pedal with the FM3 Line Buzz

Hi, Why do I get a huge Humm when I plug my Guitar into my Boss Volume pedal then into the FM3.
No Volume Pedal, No Humm.
I have switched all the cables. That's not the issue.
I dont understand.
I was using the it for a long time, then suddenly it started with the Buzz/Humm.
Has anyone had the same problem?
Thanks, Kirk
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My first guess would be a flaky cable. When you're using your volume pedal, you're also using one more cable. Check there first.
As Rex said, I'd look closely at the cables first. As Cliff pointed out a long time ago "99% OF THE TIME THE PROBLEM IS A CABLE OR CONNECTOR."

A second thing I'd do is clean the 1/4" jacks and plugs because they can get dirty and affect the connection.

Though I use "volume pedals" in my presets, I use an EV-2 or similar controller, and let the pedal control the input or output level of a block to accomplish the same thing depending on my thinking at the moment. The location of the pedal in the grid can be changed easily, as can its purpose, and there's no noise. In the past I always had an Ernie Ball volume pedal at the front of my board, immediately after the compressor, and the same can easily be accomplished in presets.
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