Used Prices higher than new?


New Member
Why when I look for these on the Bay and Reverb they are routinely listed for 1200-1400 dollars when the new ones are $899? I know there has been a holiday sale so I’m guessing the regular price is $999. Were these a lot more new when they came out a few years ago? Just curious as to who’s paying more for a used piece of gear when the new ones are cheaper.
Probably not many people are paying that much, which is why they are still up for sale

Its the same with most any product, search Ebay and you'll find someone trying to selling something for twice the typical new value. Who knows if they actually end up getting it
It's an availability thing. FAS periodically runs out of stock, especially of FX8s. And I've seen them take months to start selling new direct out of the store. During that time used ones go for stupid money. NB to anyone thinking of selling. Timing is everything.
You have to watch what country it’s being sold from. I’ve noticed a lot of stuff that is being advertised from stores in Japan. Places like those with jack up to prices to double what new would cost. I got lucky and picked up my Mark I off of Reverb for $700
I just bought a Mk II with 2 Humbuster cables, EV-1 pedal and pedalboard for $750. All in mint. Those marked up ones aren't selling.
its even worse with the AX8. There will be plenty in stock and I see them for $100 less than new. Why would anyone buy that? IDK but they do
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